tren a/test cyp short cycle


New member
1st tren a/test cyp short cycle

Thnx to halwif,tbonxl fr their advice,
Ive made modifications to the cycle, 6 weeks duration to be on the safe side and opted fr an approx TRT dose with an AI in hand to be used based on my blood profiles..

A short cycle,lean bulk.

Week 1: 50mg eod (200mg tren ace) /125mg test cyp once weekly(to be exact,once in 9days) with caber 1mg/week(split doses 0.5mg twice weekly)

From Week 2-5(total 4weeks) : 75mg eod (300mg tren ace) / 125mg test cyp a week
Caber at 1mg a week split dose

Week 6 : 50mg eod @200mg/week / test cyp 125mg and caber 1mg/week.

Anastrazole use based on the testosterone/estradiol ratio.

Pct: tamoxifen /nolvadex: 40/20/20(workd fr me before on higher test cycles)

Opinion ppl?
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Ugh... 6 weeks is too short for test cyp. It doesn't matter the dose. Plus once a week injections for cyp will make blood levels unstable. You post all this research in other threads. Pretend you didnt post this and go to town. 200mgs a week of tren is a pretty low dose. Imo, this is not even worth pinning the gear. Why even mess with trying to recover on pct with a lil tiny low doses cycle like this? Not worth the effort bud. Just stick to a clean diet and training...
Test E and C need to be run 12 weeks or more. If you want to do 6-8 weeks buy Test Prop.
Ugh... 6 weeks is too short for test cyp. It doesn't matter the dose. Plus once a week injections for cyp will make blood levels unstable. You post all this research in other threads. Pretend you didnt post this and go to town. 200mgs a week of tren is a pretty low dose. Imo, this is not even worth pinning the gear. Why even mess with trying to recover on pct with a lil tiny low doses cycle like this? Not worth the effort bud. Just stick to a clean diet and training...

gng more than 8 weeks on tren cn be pretty harsh??

And cyp isn't intended for anabolic purpose here,just for normal physiological functioning.. with an AI.

given, the t1/2 of test cyp is arnd 8-12days and dosage in TRT levels at every 8 days frequency , the rate of bioabsorption would be very similar to the natural production of testosterone in higher end,during the entire course ..
else the t1/2 values wud make no sense.

Tht wud be in the range of 10.4mg/day to 12.8mg/day ,pretty much "normal".
Normal test production being 70-90mg/week. Divide by 7 and get the numbers..

And "research " :D in other threads were abt prevention of gyno dude..hahaha dnt get offended :p u were on d same page too,talking abt reversal :)

200mg for the first and last week with 300mg(not worth?) per week for 4 weeks was the initial plan..
Gta ask experienced users here ryt.

well ,gtg with 300mg weekly for 6weeks then. Im nt gng above it as of nw.

u say the first time user should pin in 300mg per week for 6-7weeks?
200 is useless hmm I'll consider that..Tnx :)
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Hey bud if you know everything, why are you posting for advice then? Try it out and see what happens. Experienced users know better...
Why are you concerned about levels with test prop?

I don't know everything, but your logic is way off. There's tried and true ways to do this stuff.

Running a long ester test for only 6 weeks is not the way to go. There's a ton of evidence on this to dispute any of your findings or beliefs.
Running the long ester means you have to wait to start your PCT. You will be off Tren and have to wait 2 weeks for the test to run its half life. If you do prop then you start your PCT 3 days after. Better chance to keep any gains. ANd speaking of gains, dont expect much from 50mg of Tren. I did it and although it worked a little I really wish I did at least 75mg. And a half a dozen guys on this forum tried to tell me that too.
Also, run the Tren for 8 weeks
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Pretty short cycle. You'll git to work muscle groups around 6 times while on. Tren is amazing at 100mg eod. Never ran less than that.
Your test is are around my trt dose and you'll just start to see results then come off cycle.
Why are you concerned about levels with test prop?

I don't know everything, but your logic is way off. There's tried and true ways to do this stuff.

Running a long ester test for only 6 weeks is not the way to go. There's a ton of evidence on this to dispute any of your findings or beliefs.

Cz I thought running prop at high numbers eod is in supraphysiological levels whn compared to natural test levels/day,esp on a TRT..given its short t1/2..but I guess stuff dnt work as it is on paper.. :p
Yeah ive seen it, many articles on prop..
Running the long ester means you have to wait to start your PCT. You will be off Tren and have to wait 2 weeks for the test to run its half life. If you do prop then you start your PCT 3 days after. Better chance to keep any gains. ANd speaking of gains, dont expect much from 50mg of Tren. I did it and although it worked a little I really wish I did at least 75mg. And a half a dozen guys on this forum tried to tell me that too.
Also, run the Tren for 8 weeks

Thank you anzel,
As I read more on this,prop makes.more sense now,,ESP whn moving on to pct..

Yeah,id go wid 75eod..and yeah id like to know hw it went fr u On 50mg eod and sides if any.. :)
Pretty short cycle. You'll git to work muscle groups around 6 times while on. Tren is amazing at 100mg eod. Never ran less than that.
Your test is are around my trt dose and you'll just start to see results then come off cycle.

Hw ws ur cycle wid tren? A short log perhaps? Gains,sides? Issues with test levels (despite being in TRT levels)?
You really haven't grasped the concept of test and esters. Maybe you should shelf the tren and run a test cycle...
Thank you anzel,
As I read more on this,prop makes.more sense now,,ESP whn moving on to pct..

Yeah,id go wid 75eod..and yeah id like to know hw it went fr u On 50mg eod and sides if any.. :)

No sides at all. I was also running deca at 300mg along with test at 700mg. It was really a trial run with the tren. Im sure 200mg a wk will give you a small measure of of effect but when I say small I mean small. The problem is not only is the dose low but the duration of 6 wks is a bit short too. 8 wks would be better but not essential.
Doing Prop at 200mg a wk and tren at 300-350 would be better. And have enough to run 8wks. If you get to 6 wks and are happy then stop and PCT if not then run it the 8 weeks. that my opinion.