Tren A vs Winstrol (cutting)


New member
Say I used a 40 mg EOD Tren vs 100mg ED WInny.

Alongside 50mg test prop EOD.

I fear that if I used trenbolone on my cut it will get me too large. I hear you gain even on a cut. Would like to hear from users who cut on this. Mainly for fitness model reasons where being to big is actually bad.

I really wanna try trenbolone but seems that winny may suit me best for my goals?

165lbs lean/ripped

If anyone can help clear this up and elaborate for me thanks
Agreed with buzz, u don't need much to cut relie on your diet, it's not like your building u are trying to preserve muscle.while u are in a caloric deficit
We'll aware of diet and training. Let me try to rephrase the question.

What would the difference in my appearance be if I were to use trenbolone as opposed to winstrol. Because they're completely different compounds