Tren Ace and Test P. Results?


New member
I'm about to start my second cycle. My first cycle ended abruptly due to "misplacing" my supply at a friends house. It lasted around 5 weeks the first go.
Second Cycle: Tren Ace 150mg eod. Test P 60mg eod.
I would like to know of any results to look for. What to expect. How long it will take.
I am on a max. Cardio(pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and running) and regular calorie routine. With 3 days lifting out of the week.
Caloric intake doesn't change dramatically when on cycle. Maybe bumped up 700 or so calories. Avg. 2,500 calories or so per day.
I'm currently at 5'9 176 lbs.
Should I see more of cutting results or just slight bulking???
Any input helps, guys.
So you have half a cycle under your belt, and want to start tren? I'd honestly get things done right this time and actually run a full cycle of testosterone. Going from a tricycle to a 1000hp sports car usually doesn't end well.

I don't recommend you start tren until you have at LEAST multiple cycles done, and have some experience with 19-nors. It *could* go really well for you if you ignore my advice, or you could be in for one of the biggest regrets ever.

My .02c :)
Thanks man. What results should I see with a cycle of Test Prop.? A full 12 weeks. And how quick would I begin to see anything? I don't want to get the feeling that it's not working and try to overcompensate with too many injecs
All depends on diet and training...

Pretty much this. ^^^

AAS puts you into a state of higher nitrogen retention. Nitrogen is a catalyst required for protein synthesis into lean mass. Lack either the sufficient protein building blocks, the nitrogen required for the reaction, or the raw calories needed to fuel all this - and nothing really happens.

It's obviously more complex than that, but know that if your diet is spot on, you're training like a BEAST, and you're getting enough rest (that's when we grow), you'll see fantastic results. :)