Tren ace dbol test e cycle advice


New member
Hi guys I am new member looking for some advice regarding my up coming bulk cycle
Age 46
Weight 90 kg
Hight 182 cm
Bf 12% at the moment
previous cycle:
Test e only
Test e mast e
Test e npp winstrol
My 4th cycle will be
Week 1 /12 Test e 500 mg per week
Week 1 /4 Dbol 30 mg ed
Week 5/10 tren ace 50mg /75 mg eod
Hcg 250 iu *2 per week up to pct
Ai on hand when needed
Caber on hand although when I used deca I didn't needed
Cloomid 100/100/50/50
Arromassin 20 mg ed
Diet 4000 + calories will adjust as cycle progress
Mainly 40/40/20 carbs/ protein/ fat
This is a bulking cycle for 12 weeks
it looks fine.. i doubt youll need prami or caber on that dosage..

why you running the tren so short?
It's my first time using tren so thought it's better to play it safe and see if all good I'll increase it to 100 mg eod and used from week 5/12 instead
It's my first time using tren so thought it's better to play it safe and see if all good I'll increase it to 100 mg eod and used from week 5/12 instead

I'd run it for 7 weeks, you can always drop it if you can't handle it. If you can handle it, then you're limiting yourself with only 5 weeks usage
I've seen in the forum some advice to use 1000 iu hcg per week on suppressive cycle such a tren what's your doseage when using tren .
Ai do you used through cycle or only in case sides a cure
Never had issue with gyno but I am leaning towards using .5 arrimedex e3d any thoughts on that
oh god. I missed the AI problems from the initial post....shit. Ok, please don't use tren if you don't use an AI.....on hand is stupid.

Every cycle you do shuts you down. Tren, Deca, primo, winny, var, dbol etc...every cycle shuts you down. There's no 80% shutdown or 50% shutdown. You're shutdown. Hence the HCG dosage doesn't matter. It keeps a small sliver of test production going during cycle. Do too much and you fry your testes. Hence 500iu a week, split 2x a week.

Also, AI's must be run - unless you're a super duper freak who has no estrogen issues from running superphysiological doses of test. You're running 500 mg of test PLUS dbol, which aromatises like crazy. You must use an AI.

Also, why would you wait until you get use an AI which doesn't reverse gyno? You use an AI to stop the conversion of testosterone into estrogen so that you don't get bloated, water retention, mood swings, irritability, gyno and a few other fun sides. High estrogen has been shown to lead towards cancer. Keeping an AI on hand is a recipe for disaster.

I'd use 0.25 EoD MINIMUM. I'd even go slightly higher during the dbol phase...but you're usually next to nothing of dbol (30mg is a tiny dose) so you will probably be alright.