Tren Ace help


New member
is 150 mg a week, divided into 3 doses, on mon, wed, fri good enough for a first time user to see results?

currently 185 lbs at 17% bodyfat..
na na, im sorry shud have been more specific..

this is my 2nd cycle. already 5 weeks into a cycle of test e 500mg/week and eq 500mg/week..

looking to add tren a at 150 mg/ week. in 3 doses of 50 mg mon, wed, fri..

will adding tren help me shed more fat? i know tren has gr8 muscle building properties, but im really looking to get cut, so what can i expect from adding tren at this dosage to this cycle of mine?
It's a waste and it looks like this is your first cycle. 17% bf? Prob should bring it down a bit before you cycle. You also have test? Am I right? If not take my advice and do some more research, because your not gonna have a libido. Which mean your penis isn't gonna work. 150 is way low. Tren is serious shot with serious sides. So if this is your first cycle bad mistake. What's your age and weight?
Test and tren fight for the same receptor so tren at a much lower dose won't do shit. Shedding fat is your diet. Some compounds aid in fat loss but its not what makes fat loss. It's all diet.
this is my 2nd cycle. my first was test e and anavar for 16 weeks.. i came down from 24% bf to 16%..

but everywhere i read on the internet. 150 mg a week seems to be the right dose if it's ur first time with tren..

also im looking to bring my bf % down which is why i want to add tren to this cycle, so yu dun think dis will help me to bring my bf % down
I think ure straight with test and eq for now. No need to add tren to a 2nd cycle. Let alone 150mg per week.
Refer to heavyirons thread on trenbolone has good info on it.
I mean I can't say it won't help. Tren is nasty shit bro. It's something you just don't throw it in a cycle. There's things you need. Dropping bf is all in your diet. Is wait till next time so you can start from the beginning. What's your age and weight?
I think ure straight with test and eq for now. No need to add tren to a 2nd cycle. Let alone 150mg per week.
Refer to heavyirons thread on trenbolone has good info on it.

so then instead of tren, can i add something like winstrol to this cycle? cuz i'm really not feeling anything wid da eq at the moment, it's been 5 weeks and it's not made any difference?

will winstrol help or again am i at too high a bf % for even winstrol to be effective?
I just don't get why people don't give stats and refuse to take good advice. Were telling you not to rush shit because your gonna end up messing yourself up.
I mean I can't say it won't help. Tren is nasty shit bro. It's something you just don't throw it in a cycle. There's things you need. Dropping bf is all in your diet. Is wait till next time so you can start from the beginning. What's your age and weight?

my weight is 185 lbs, i'm 26 years old..

the eq is just not doing anything man. i was at 17% when i started the cycle, and im the same after 5 weeks..

and my diet is clean, which is why this is all the more frustrating..

i thought adding tren ace wud atleast bring it down to 14% or less in 6 weeks, and since im a first time user, i thought of adding tren and adding it at such a low dosage so that the sides also remain in control..
Did you ever think about getting your diet looked at? Maybe you should! If your looking for gear to drop bf your looking in the wrong direction. So what's this say about your future cycles. Your gonna go from cycle to cycle because your diet is shit. Eating clean is not the same as eating what you should and how much. People don't realize hoe it works. You get off of cycle pack on some bf. What's that tell us. Your diet needs looked at. Your test is just kicking in now. I'd you can't throw on a few lbs of muscle your either A not eating enough, or B your gears bunk. Rule of thumb the more compounds you take the more sides you'll get. You just can't throw a bunch of shit together halfway through a cycle. Your asking for trouble.
^^ this. You have no business using Tren brother. Im just finishing a cycle of Tren A this week. I was lean before I even started. Ive gained out on 7-8 lbs of muscle. Tren shouldnt be used as a fat cutter. Diet is your fat cutter. Winstrol (winny)? Eat right. Tren is a meat builder. Its what they give cattle a couple of weeks before market
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Go to the diet section and post in 3js free diet advice thread, follow the rules in the first post. You'll be ready for tren sooner w a solid plan.