Tren ace/ T Prop daily log progression .

I getting tied up with a real tight schedule so i wont make everyday updates. I will try every other day or so to update.
Day 9-11
No really harsh sides. Insomnia is still kicking my ass. Diffidently tearing up the gym everyday tho. Started taking water retention burner helps alot lost alot of water weight in last week or so, especially with tren. Getting cut up real nice:)
Day 12
Only sides i have experienced so far is insomnia, and acne on my face everywhere else is fine. My diet is on point so im toning very nicely. My vascularity is nice so its still early to say but everything is good for the most part. Pins are nice and smooth got used to eod.
Day 13-14
Still no major sides, hunger is getting terrible i have to order more yohimbe to help with that. I just want to destroy everything in site. Slacked this weekend on my diet since i was out of town. I feel like a shiit bag now so going strict cycling the carbs again. I know, Iam a pussy. But everybody slips up its only natural. Iam gaining vascularity by the day it feels like. So now going to run this new diet i found for three weeks. Strict as it can get from it by itself should drop 1.5% bodyfat. So i will run it keep you posted.
Do you see any difference with the hunger when you are on the yohimbe? In my experience appetite suppressors work for a bit and then wear off.
Day 14-17
No harsh side effects. still fighting hunger. Only side beside mild insomnia and hunger, is im getting slight acne on my face. starting to gain a little bit of size. since thats not my main goal im not going to notice that much. Starting to shred down alot: veins on my legs are starting to pop. Veryy niiice :)gym pump is pretty good feel like i could work out for days. pins are smooth as always. getting there boys getting there :)
start of week 4. starting to get night sweats slightly. hunger is a very huge side effect for me cant complain. everything else is going well. Gaining strength dramatically week by week. vascularity is getting nuts but i love it. keep sliping up on my diet a little bit but get back right on point will post update pick in a week. for middle of cycle kind of deal. still running 100 eod prop 175 eod ace. taking some letro now to keep down my estrogen. otherwise shredding hard!
How's the cycle going now? Still running 100test eod and 165 Tren eod? Thinking of running pretty much the same cycle but with Test E instead of prop any thoughts?
yea man sorry for not responding so long. I like it alot but thats as high on the tren im ganna go. my diet is on check now everything is running great just ended my two weeks with ephedrine. Deff cut me up alot combined with the tren. Im going to take couple weeks off from the ephedrine and run it once more. last couple weeks of the cycle im ganna do a mild 40mg of ani get the final touches. Deff need to get my hands on some aromasin or some shiit getting a little more gyno then i would like. otherwise smooth as butter