Tren Ace/Test E PCT advise
Hey guys,
After I've come off my 2nd cycle (test e/Deca) I've been thinking about running a Tren A/Test E cycle.
I've read up on what i can in regards to Tren, from the looks there are allot of different ways to run it. However from what I've read I feel like it would be most beneficial for me to run a lower dose of Tren ace. Starting at 250mgTest and 75mg of tren and then gradually working my way up, to see how i react to it. (input is always welcome)
My major question is what Pct i should run. I ran (only) Nolva after my 2nd cycle and everything went great. But since Tren is a bit stronger than Deca and given i don't know what my reaction to it will be, what should i run for my post cycle therapy (pct)?
My current stats are(if it matters):
184lbs, 5.7'' and about 7-8% bf
Any and all input on this cycle is welcome and appreciated.
Hey guys,
After I've come off my 2nd cycle (test e/Deca) I've been thinking about running a Tren A/Test E cycle.
I've read up on what i can in regards to Tren, from the looks there are allot of different ways to run it. However from what I've read I feel like it would be most beneficial for me to run a lower dose of Tren ace. Starting at 250mgTest and 75mg of tren and then gradually working my way up, to see how i react to it. (input is always welcome)
My major question is what Pct i should run. I ran (only) Nolva after my 2nd cycle and everything went great. But since Tren is a bit stronger than Deca and given i don't know what my reaction to it will be, what should i run for my post cycle therapy (pct)?
My current stats are(if it matters):
184lbs, 5.7'' and about 7-8% bf
Any and all input on this cycle is welcome and appreciated.