Tren Ace + Test Prop 3rd cycle thoughts


New member
Hey there,

next month Im starting my 3rd cycle, Im looking for advices and constructive critism.

My stats:
25y old
214 lb
13% bf
6.3 tall

Lifting for over 4 years consistently, following solid diet (including counting all macros). Atm (off cycle) eating about 2800-3k kcal, 250-270g protein, 250g carbs, 80-100g fat

My previous cycles:
1. cycle: Test E only. 500mg/week for 11 weeks, PCT Clomid.
2. cycle: Test C 500mg/week, Anavar 70mg/ed weeks 8-12. Masteron 150mg eod weeks 8-12. Kickstart test P 100mg/eod. PCT: Clomid + Nolva + DAA + Tribulus. HCG Weeks 2-10.

Second cycle was really great, I planned to get down to about 8% while on it which didnt happen due to some problems in personal life (girlfriend), but I still ended up at about 12 % with solid physique and kept most gains.

Now Im planning to jump into tren stuff, as I think its imho the best drug for kind of physique Im looking for.

Weeks 1-8 Tren Ace 75mg/eod
Weeks 1-10 Test P 100mg/eod
Weeks 1-10 Arimidex .5 ed
HCG 1000IU every 3,5 day throughout whole cycle

PCT: Clomid 50mg for 4 weeks, DAA + Tribulus along with it.

My questions:

1) Is 75 mg of tren right dose for first timer in tren business ? I heard some guys got results on 50mg, but quality of my gear isn´t like 100%, so there might be little less in what Im taking actually
2) I did research and most people say its better to run test prop rather low, just to replace your natty levels. Would you run 100mg eod, or less ? Lets say 75 mg eod ?
3) Should I use Arimidex whole cycle, or only if I encounter some problems ? Is .5 enough for this cycle ?
4) What about prolactine ? Should I worry about it or am I safe with adex ?

Thanks for any feedback, I appreciate it.
my man.. youre only two cycles in.. and you obviously started doing gear at too young of an age..

hold off on the tren.. or any other 19-nor for that matter..

youre going to end up on trt
my man.. youre only two cycles in.. and you obviously started doing gear at too young of an age..

hold off on the tren.. or any other 19-nor for that matter..

youre going to end up on trt

Thanks 3J, I appreciate your comment. I did start young, you are right (at about 21) and Im aware that there is a price to be paid for that in the future. What would you consider to run then ? I know tren would shut me down hard, however I always ended up well after my PCT so far..even though it was just test.
I dont want to run test over 500mgs, as I just get bloated and Im not really getting kind of physique I want (even though I might put on a lot of muscle). Im avoiding orals completely, because I had my blood work done after last cycle and I had elevated liver and kidney values just after 4 weeks of 70mg/ed of anavar (and my lifestyle and nutrition is flawless, I hadnt drink any alcohol for more than 2 years, not even single beer, nothing). Things like deca or or winny are out for me (deca sucks my balls hard and winny is just shit, tried it just 1 for week and had terrible sides).

Any suggestions ? And if I still decide to go for tren, is the way I put it here right way to do it ?
i'd run a test eq mast cycle and carb cycle for my diet.. that would probably work out best while avoiding a 19-nor

extend your cycle to 14 weeks
i'd run a test eq mast cycle and carb cycle for my diet.. that would probably work out best while avoiding a 19-nor

extend your cycle to 14 weeks

Thanks for advice, sounds solid and I havent tried EQ yet. What dosage of test and mast would you recommend ? Got some solid results from 150mg eod of mast, however my body fat was still quite high when I used it...well at least high enough not to see full results (about 14-15%) ... I noticed better hardness, pumps and random veins poping out though.

Regarding diet, I will def contact you before I start my cycle regarding diet, my current diet is solid, however I dont have much experience with carb cycling, did it few times and felt like shit most of the days, strenght gone and couldnt lift a shit in gym.

Also, I know this might be stupid question, but do you think 10 weeks off is enough ? My last cycle was 12 weeks on, 2 bridge 4 PCT. I know how it SHOULD BE in best scenario but still, Id like to start a little earlier to finish before end of year, as Ive got other plans from then.