tren ace / test prop 9 week bulk cycle opinions?


New member
age 24
weight 87kg
height 176cm
cycle history test e 12 weeks 500mg test prop 10 weeks 450mg
ran nothing during both cycles. got no sides had ai on hand though. been over 16 weeks since last cycle.

bf % obliques visible


week 1 - 8 tren ace 250mg/week 35mg ed injections
week 1 - 8 test prop 175mg/week 25mg ed injections

( will have 600mg test prop left over from above ^ so might ramp up week 8 - 9 test prop dosage )

week 8 -9 test prop i could use the last of the test prop up and run at 475mgs each week. thoughts?

weeks 1 - 9 caber .5mg/ week ( am also having hard time to source in my country )

im having a hard time sourcing hcg in my country atm, fingers crossed my source pulls through this week! ive read some people have ran tren ace n test prop without hcg just fine though ?

3days after last jab

clomid 100/100/75/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
175 mg of test TOTAL for the week, and your gonna pin 25 mg a day to get there!?!?!?

Am i reading this right
whats your reason for being so surprised about 175mg a week of test prop along side the 250mg tren ace per week? just curious...
as most people do run around that mark give or take 50mg for there first tren ace and prop cycle from what ive read...
It's just the fact that for that little gear you want to pin ed. Why not eod? That's how I did my tren cycle, also around the same dose as yours. Nothing wrong with your doses by the way. Unless you're super sensitive to tren, there shouldn't be any sides.

May I ask why the rush to try tren? I also did tren on my third cycle, but I wish I waited a bit longer. I will also never run tren again. Too harsh of a compound and I believe it's overrated. You can get the same effect with other compounds and a solid diet. That's just me though.

Oh, and caber should be run e3d, not once a week. I believe it's half life is around the 65 hour mark. Your tren dose is low, so start at 0.25mg a week and move up as needed. Blood test should show whether you need to move it up or not, or if you have trouble reaching the finish line with the mrs.
whats your reason for being so surprised about 175mg a week of test prop along side the 250mg tren ace per week? just curious...
as most people do run around that mark give or take 50mg for there first tren ace and prop cycle from what ive read...

I'm just saying,, pinning 25 mg a day. Why? You just like to pin yourself or something?
You can pin 175 mg of test e once a week or 150 mg every five days and levels will be plenty stable.
Kick start with test prop for first 4-5 weeks if you want.. But pinning EVERY damn day for 9 weeks , makes no sense to me when there are better options
And if your set on the prop, why not pin 50 eod
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It's just the fact that for that little gear you want to pin ed. Why not eod? That's how I did my tren cycle, also around the same dose as yours. Nothing wrong with your doses by the way. Unless you're super sensitive to tren, there shouldn't be any sides.

May I ask why the rush to try tren? I also did tren on my third cycle, but I wish I waited a bit longer. I will also never run tren again. Too harsh of a compound and I believe it's overrated. You can get the same effect with other compounds and a solid diet. That's just me though.

Oh, and caber should be run e3d, not once a week. I believe it's half life is around the 65 hour mark. Your tren dose is low, so start at 0.25mg a week and move up as needed. Blood test should show whether you need to move it up or not, or if you have trouble reaching the finish line with the mrs.

This ^^^ is sound advice. You say you have an AI on hand?? On hand so when you get gyno you will try to reverse it ??
Do you know :
High Estrogen Side Effects:

- Gynecomastia "PLUS"
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issue

Do AI start all the way till PCT
I don't see an issue with it. When I see that I think, "well I have to pin the Tren A ED anyway so might as well put the test in there with it and if I'm doing ED then why not use test P and get more MG per ML then something like test E or C.
This ^^^ is sound advice. You say you have an AI on hand?? On hand so when you get gyno you will try to reverse it ??
Do you know :
High Estrogen Side Effects:

- Gynecomastia "PLUS"
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issue

Do AI start all the way till PCT

You forgot the most important side: acting emotional and crying like a little girl
I don't see an issue with it. When I see that I think, "well I have to pin the Tren A ED anyway so might as well put the test in there with it and if I'm doing ED then why not use test P and get more MG per ML then something like test E or C.

Makes sense.. I guess for me and being on trt for couple years and HAVING to pin even though I don't want, just kinda get tired of pinning,, and pinning a measly 25 mg every day doesn't sound appealing to me.. But, when I'm at weeks into a cycle and feeling great, I look forward to pinning
Makes sense.. I guess for me and being on trt for couple years and HAVING to pin even though I don't want, just kinda get tired of pinning,, and pinning a measly 25 mg every day doesn't sound appealing to me.. But, when I'm at weeks into a cycle and feeling great, I look forward to pinning

That small amount is also bad because you lose some gear every time you pin. There will be like 4-5 mg of test stuck in the syringe. When injecting higher volume those few mg's are negligible, but with a smaller dose ed you are losing lots of gear IMO
That small amount is also bad because you lose some gear every time you pin. There will be like 4-5 mg of test stuck in the syringe. When injecting higher volume those few mg's are negligible, but with a smaller dose ed you are losing lots of gear IMO

Good point. One trick I learned is to put a small air bubble in the barrel so you get every last drop when the air pushes through its all in. But you still lose a little just not as much.
I HATED pinning even eod when I did my test p/Tren a/ mast A cycle.....I felt like a damn pin cushion....NEXT TIME, it'll be longer esters for sure!

And for me, the worst part of Tren was the shitty cardio, the sometimes painful pumps (in my calves especially when going for a walk or run), and the night sweats!....THOSE sucked....I drenched the sheets every frickin night!
As for pinning ed I hear ya.. As for the painful pumps,, you gotta embrace that and know that blood, nutrients and glycogen stores are being rammed into those muscles,, the painful,pumps are a sign the gear is legit and doing it's job
hey thanks for all the replys! sorry for the late reply too haha!

ive decided im going to go with eod pinning only reason I thought about ed was to help sides but il see how eod goes.

as for caber and hcg my source has fell through and I cant find anywhere! I live in new Zealand so access to those types are pretty hard :/

all I can access is arimidex, nolva, clomid, test's and tren's :/

I really wana take something throughout the cycle to avoid gyno, the lil bitchy crying girl phases n something to help keep my sex life from falling off the rails :/

will not start cycle until ive found solution to the problem..

also ive been advised to up my test prop dosage and ramp tren up after week 1 to find sweet spot, thoughts?
Whoa whoa fellas, there is absolutely nothing wrong with those doses... 175mg Test Prop per week is equivalent to 200mg longer estered test. Tick.

250mg of Tren is plenty to achieve results whether you are cutting or bulking, it is damn powerful and even at that dose it still gave me noticable sides yet good gains.

As for pinning ED vs EOD... Making the switch from EOD to ED whilst running Tren Ace drastically reduced Tren induced Anxiety and Paranoia (of the mrs, as we all know Tren can do this)... Whilst it was still there it made a huge difference. It's proven both by experience and on paper that ED reduces fluctuations from short esters... A lot can get away with this, a lot can't it comes down to the individual although I did feel like a pin cushion and I blast/cruise so short esters aren't my ideal choice for me. I am currently runing Mast at 100mg EOD and is probably the only short ester I will run in that fashion being it purely DHT based whereas for Tren it gives me sides, Test Prop I would imagine the same thing as I am also one of those guys that responds to 2x weekly of long esters much better than 1x weekly.

It is plenty of gear to run... If you were to jack anything up in that cycle my suggestion would be to leave the test at 175mg and up the Tren a little bit, or add another compound whether it be something like Anavar or Masteron. I actually ran those dosages myself with my last tren run so there you go, I leaned out a bit in 3 weeks and remained the same weight, so it was more of a recomp. My diet was not up to scratch at the time hence was a waste.

Keep in mind, this is your first run with Tren... That is plenty to get your feet wet, and if you don't make good gains off those doses then your training and diet sucks, trust me. Tren is strong shit and that is perfect for a first time run with it. If I dabble with Tren again I will not go over 50mg Acetate ED injections and I will go for a max of 4 weeks as one I don't like to be a pin cushion and two it's fucking potent.

You can get Prami to keep on hand from RUI, that will control Prolactin/Libido if it becomes an issue. Keep us updated though, at those doses you may be ok. If anything ramping the test up will bring on the sides.
You said you had access to arimidex. Use that to control your e2 levels and you might be able to skip the caber (since your source fell through). If you keep your e2 in check, then usually the prolactin will be kept in check aswell
Thats a good preworkout dose lol do 50mg ace ed perfect for first time or 100 eod test is fine
That small amount is also bad because you lose some gear every time you pin. There will be like 4-5 mg of test stuck in the syringe. When injecting higher volume those few mg's are negligible, but with a smaller dose ed you are losing lots of gear IMO

Thats why you just add extra to the syringe lol
im thinking with my dosages i wil keep the test p at 175mg per week and keep tren at 70mg eod for first week then 2nd week ramp up 5mg eod till i find a comfortable dose. possibly could raise the test p a lil bit but is their any point tbh? like 250mg of tren is equivelant to more than a gram of test so i should expect some pretty decent results...?

yes i can access arimidex i have been advised to run .25mg eod from day 1 through till last pin how does that sound with you guys?

i cant access caber so im going to just try keep my e2 levels in check as best as possible will get bloods done at beginning of week 4 im thinking.