Tren Ace / Test Prop post cycle therapy (pct) protocol


Future IFBB Pro
Tren Ace / Test Prop PCT protocol

Height: 5'8
Weight: 220lbs
Age: 25
Years training: 7
Cycles ran: 3 (12wk test E 500mg/week, 24wk test P 100mg/EOD, 14wk test E with 8wk dbol)
*recovered fine with clomid 100/50/50/50 and nolva 50/50/25/25 for all three previous cycles*

Diet throughout: 450g pro, 400g carb, 90g fat
Weeks 1-10: Tren A: 40mg ED
Weeks 1-12: Test P: 125mg EOD

Start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 12 days after last inj.

Weeks 14-15: HCG: 1000iu EOD

Start clomid 5 days after last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) inj.

Weeks 16-17: Clomid: 100mg ED
Weeks 18-19: Clomid: 50mg ED

Question 1: opinions on running test 2x as high as tren?
Questiom 2: opinions on post cycle therapy (pct) with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blasted 12 days after prop?

Appriciate all feedback for my first tren cycle, thank you.
I wouldn't run my test 2x my tren, but then again i always run my tren higher than 40mg ed. Not saying 40mg ed is bad, or that you wont see results, its just alittle conservative(which isn't necessarily a bad thing).

Cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) look solid, only thing I change with my post cycle therapy (pct) vs yours is I run the test 4 weeks longer than the tren and then add nolva too.

My post cycle therapy (pct):
HCG 2,000iu's eod(for ten days...5 pins total)

Clomid 100/100/50/50/50/50
Nolva 20/20/20/20

That post cycle therapy (pct) has gotten me fully recovered from 6+ month cycles before, and honestly I feel great after the first couple weeks.
I wouldn't run my test 2x my tren, but then again i always run my tren higher than 40mg ed. Not saying 40mg ed is bad, or that you wont see results, its just alittle conservative(which isn't necessarily a bad thing).

Cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) look solid, only thing I change with my post cycle therapy (pct) vs yours is I run the test 4 weeks longer than the tren and then add nolva too.

My post cycle therapy (pct):
HCG 2,000iu's eod(for ten days...5 pins total)

Clomid 100/100/50/50/50/50
Nolva 20/20/20/20

That post cycle therapy (pct) has gotten me fully recovered from 6+ month cycles before, and honestly I feel great after the first couple weeks.

Now that I think of it, I do have some extra nolva around so I will throw that in with the clomid, thanks for that.

Keep in mind I'm using short esters so maybe just run the test an extra week or two past the tren?

Also, I was planning to buy enough tren for 40md/ED for 11 weeks, do you suggest I buy an extra vial or two of tren so I can slowly bump up if sides aren't too bad and I feel I can handle 50-75mg/ED ?

Thanks again for feedback brotha.
Definitely get at least another vial of tren, i'd say shoot for 50mg ed for your first run.(or more depending on if you can handle it)

I realize you're running short esters but 19-nors(tren) even once they have cleared your system tend to linger for awhile. People say that they have such a hard time recovering from Deca or Tren and I firmly believe that this is because they dont give enough time for the compound to truly clear one's system. I would rather run my test 4 weeks long than my tren and even though i'm shut down for 2 weeks longer, my recovery will be exponentially easier.
Definitely get at least another vial of tren, i'd say shoot for 50mg ed for your first run.(or more depending on if you can handle it)

I realize you're running short esters but 19-nors(tren) even once they have cleared your system tend to linger for awhile. People say that they have such a hard time recovering from Deca or Tren and I firmly believe that this is because they dont give enough time for the compound to truly clear one's system. I would rather run my test 4 weeks long than my tren and even though i'm shut down for 2 weeks longer, my recovery will be exponentially easier.

Hmm ok that makes sense, so maybe I'll run test for 3-4 weeks longer then tren .

Now for my first tren cycle, can you give some pros and cons of me running 2x as much test then tren? What exactly would be different if i lowered test to same amount as tren or even lower?
Hmm ok that makes sense, so maybe I'll run test for 3-4 weeks longer then tren .

Now for my first tren cycle, can you give some pros and cons of me running 2x as much test then tren? What exactly would be different if i lowered test to same amount as tren or even lower?

some people argue that you don't get the same kind of size gains with less test, however I'm not sure i buy into that theory seeing as tren is 5x as anabolic and androgenic as test...if you're on tren at any reasonable dose, you WILL grow. I also haven't experienced this myself and the cycle is much more "comfortable" when I run my tren higher.

The pro's to running tren higher is that you will most likely have less overall sides. Yes, the insomnia was still present, but it was less. Yes, the sweating was still present, especially at night, but it was less. etc.

If you get another couple of vials and run your tren at 50-75mg ed and your prop 40-50mg ed, I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
some people argue that you don't get the same kind of size gains with less test, however I'm not sure i buy into that theory seeing as tren is 5x as anabolic and androgenic as test...if you're on tren at any reasonable dose, you WILL grow. I also haven't experienced this myself and the cycle is much more "comfortable" when I run my tren higher.

The pro's to running tren higher is that you will most likely have less overall sides. Yes, the insomnia was still present, but it was less. Yes, the sweating was still present, especially at night, but it was less. etc.

If you get another couple of vials and run your tren at 50-75mg ed and your prop 40-50mg ed, I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

Awesome man, all questions were answered, thanks again for all your help !
I'm debating to inject both prop and tren ED or tren ED test EOD.

Reason is because after i hit glutes and quads, i am planning to hit both delts and both calves before I hit glutes and quads again to lessen chance of scar tissue and keep receptors fresh. I feel if i inject over 1ml into delts or calves, it might not be safe, or extremely painful (never injected in small muscles before).

I'm debating to inject both prop and tren ED or tren ED test EOD.

Reason is because after i hit glutes and quads, i am planning to hit both delts and both calves before I hit glutes and quads again to lessen chance of scar tissue and keep receptors fresh. I feel if i inject over 1ml into delts or calves, it might not be safe, or extremely painful (never injected in small muscles before).


I think if you hit your calves you will struggle to walk or work them for 2-3 days after. Also, no point in EOD on test if you're already pinning daily so just throw both in the same pin and pin daily if that's what you choose to do. I'm pinning tren a/prop daily and I just switch between both quads and delts. Not comfy doing the glutes on my own (I'm old and don't twist that way well enough).
I think if you hit your calves you will struggle to walk or work them for 2-3 days after. Also, no point in EOD on test if you're already pinning daily so just throw both in the same pin and pin daily if that's what you choose to do. I'm pinning tren a/prop daily and I just switch between both quads and delts. Not comfy doing the glutes on my own (I'm old and don't twist that way well enough).
Hmm true.

So i should be fine pinning glutes, quads, delts, then repeat?
Hmm true.

So i should be fine pinning glutes, quads, delts, then repeat?

Yeah, that's 6 places if you count each side so each will get 6 days of rest before you pin them again which is sufficient. I'm only alternating between 4 and am doing fine.
Your dosages are pretty low, you probably wont be happy with the results (just saying).
Personally I would raise the Tren 100mg EOD and Keep the Test Prop where its at.
Also Inject them together, your doing daily injections man.. No need for that at all IMO.
Yeah, that's 6 places if you count each side so each will get 6 days of rest before you pin them again which is sufficient. I'm only alternating between 4 and am doing fine.

Excellent, thanks bro.

Any tips for a first time delt injection? A tad nervous, but I'm sure it'll go smooth like glutes and quads 98% of the time . (I hope anyway lol)
Excellent, thanks bro.

Any tips for a first time delt injection? A tad nervous, but I'm sure it'll go smooth like glutes and quads 98% of the time . (I hope anyway lol)

Delts are my favorite to be honest. Nice and easy. I think it's easier than quads if you're doing quads right. What doses did you end up deciding on, looks like you received some good recommendations since your cycle review. I'm running 50 ace and 50 prop daily myself.
Your dosages are pretty low, you probably wont be happy with the results (just saying).
Personally I would raise the Tren 100mg EOD and Keep the Test Prop where its at.
Also Inject them together, your doing daily injections man.. No need for that at all IMO.

My new plan is tren and test 50mg ED...solid?
Delts are my favorite to be honest. Nice and easy. I think it's easier than quads if you're doing quads right. What doses did you end up deciding on, looks like you received some good recommendations since your cycle review. I'm running 50 ace and 50 prop daily myself.
Excellent same as me, how are results and sides ? How do you feel? And how far in??
Excellent same as me, how are results and sides ? How do you feel? And how far in??

I am just getting started. I shot my 8th pin of prop today and 5th pin of tren. Did prop for a few days because it was my first short ester and heard some people can't handle it. So far zero sides and no gains but it's likely not all kicked in so I have some time before that happens. In theory the sides shouldn't be to bad keeping blood levels consistent, hence why I pin daily.

I have a cycle log going, lot's of just BS banter back and forth in it but I'll keep it updated daily over the next 100 days or so. I will be running prop 100 days and tren 60 unless I decide to go a couple weeks longer and order more tren. I have used a very reputable lab so my gear should be solid.

You can follow the log here:
I am just getting started. I shot my 8th pin of prop today and 5th pin of tren. Did prop for a few days because it was my first short ester and heard some people can't handle it. So far zero sides and no gains but it's likely not all kicked in so I have some time before that happens. In theory the sides shouldn't be to bad keeping blood levels consistent, hence why I pin daily.

I have a cycle log going, lot's of just BS banter back and forth in it but I'll keep it updated daily over the next 100 days or so. I will be running prop 100 days and tren 60 unless I decide to go a couple weeks longer and order more tren. I have used a very reputable lab so my gear should be solid.

You can follow the log here:

Awesome man will check it out

Appriciate everyones feedback !
Zepplin, you ever pin pecs? super easy, use a slin pin, and it doesn't affect daily life at all. That'd give you 8 diff places.