Tren Ace, Test Prop, T3 and clen


New member
Hey everyone, new to this thread posting stuff so if I'm not entirely clear let me know.

Just turned 20, I started training about a year ago now, put on about 14 kg was a massive ectomorph at only 61kg and 5 foot 10. About 4 months into my training started running clen cause bloke at the gym said he was selling it probably should of done more research really was no point. Now I'm considering doing a Tren ace, test prop, t3 and clen cycle.

Obviously going to be my first cycle was wondering what you guys think of this and if i should change dosages or make anything different:
Tren Ace 40mg ed weeks 1-8
Test Prop 30mg ed weeks 1-12
t3 0.25 ed weeks 1-12
clen 40-80mg eod 2 weeks on 2 weeks off whole cycle.

Also will take nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) would that be better to have throughout the cycle or just for the last few weeks for example weeks 8-12 then for another 2 after the 12 weeks. Last thing does anyone know how much would be a decent price to pay for this I have people i can get it off but it seems fairly pricey. P.s I'm from Australia.

Cheers Guys :)
Read the Stickies bro. Test only first cycle.

test e or c 500mg a week for 12 week

arimidex or aromasin for an AI

PCT 4 weeks
Novla 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Alright cheers, but for what reasons do you reckon no tren ace first cycle like if i do a cycle of something else the sides are going to be worse if i then do a cycle of tren in the future
because the sides from tren are terrible from what i've heard. someone whos used can give more insight to this than i can, but tren is one of the most powerful steroids available with some of the worst side effects
yeah i know mate im only wanting to do this one cycle to see how it goes and if im fucked after it wont do it again. thats why was just going to do it as first cycle cause if i fuck my heart from something else then do tren ace later on i know it could fuck me up big time.
no. youre using TWO compounds. if you get terrible sides, you won't know if they're coming from the test or the tren. use test to start and if youre fine you can add more compounds a few cycles down the road. not sure about you cycling with that logic man, almost sounds like you dont care about sides? :shrugs:
dont think we can discuss prices on this forum, sorry man :/

also, you dont need to add clen to your first cycle? and why test prop instead of enth or cyp?
Hey everyone, new to this thread posting stuff so if I'm not entirely clear let me know.

Just turned 20, I started training about a year ago now, put on about 14 kg was a massive ectomorph at only 61kg and 5 foot 10. About 4 months into my training started running clen cause bloke at the gym said he was selling it probably should of done more research really was no point. Now I'm considering doing a Tren ace, test prop, t3 and clen cycle.

Obviously going to be my first cycle was wondering what you guys think of this and if i should change dosages or make anything different:
Tren Ace 40mg ed weeks 1-8
Test Prop 30mg ed weeks 1-12
t3 0.25 ed weeks 1-12
clen 40-80mg eod 2 weeks on 2 weeks off whole cycle.

Also will take nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) would that be better to have throughout the cycle or just for the last few weeks for example weeks 8-12 then for another 2 after the 12 weeks. Last thing does anyone know how much would be a decent price to pay for this I have people i can get it off but it seems fairly pricey. P.s I'm from Australia.

Cheers Guys :)

looks as though u are wanting to get back down to your original 61kg lol... the cycle u have planned is a pre-contest cycle for bodybuilders, the t3/clen will put your body into a catabolic state in a hurry... stick to just some test at 500mg per week for 12-15wks, maybe add some deca at 400mg if u are dead-set on a two-compound cycle.. but stay away from the tren for now

gotta crawl before u can walk...
alright so no clen just test prop least i know it'll be a lot cheaper. Just have read up that prop is best and doesn't retain water as much as entanthate and cyp do
yeah ive read that too. some say its very true, others say its not a difference. still. pinning ed/eod on a first cycle seems like a bitch to me. plus the PIP from prop is usually pretty bad
yeah thats the other thing worried about injecting properly. I'm guessing PIP is something to do with feeling sore after injection, can tell im a rookie lol
I look up to zyzz as well but im 100% positive zyzz or lazar didnt do tren for their first cycle.

Its rumored that zyzz even used prohormones to start with (h-drol). Then went on to a test only cycle (test prop). I have a link that pretty much 100% backs that up but i cant post it yet because of my post count.

Im not experienced in AAS by any means but id go with the advice given and maybe save the tren for future cycles...
thanks for the advice and yeah i agree probably will just do prop on its own for 12 weeks what dosage would you recommend if i was just using prop and when would you start using Nolva and Clomid?
I too have been planning to run a prop only cycle and i started a thread that has some really good info and advice in it. Havent started it yet as im just gathering a ton of info first. and again i cant post the link....

But some of the advice given to me is to go for test e or c instead as prop can hurt like a bitch as well as having to inject ED or EOD. Where as test e or c you only have to inject two times a week.

If you were to go prop only (this is advice given to me and info ive read up on).
cycle should only be about 6-8 weeks long
150mg EOD
PCT 3 days after last prop injection

You from australia by any chance?