Tren Ace, Test Prop, T3 and clen

good to see another aussie here. you will learn heap from this place like i have.

forgot to keep the clen for around post cycle therapy (pct) time or after. Clen is a cutting agent and i wouldnt want anything to potentially hinder any muscle gain during cycle.
you want to gain the max amount of lean mass you can while on cycle! especially if your an ectomorph!

Being an ectomorph, if your diet is spot on you shouldnt worry about gaining bf anyway
alright so no clen just test prop least i know it'll be a lot cheaper. Just have read up that prop is best and doesn't retain water as much as entanthate and cyp do

prop, enanthate, cypionate, suspension... test is test bro... and ALL will cause the same amount of bloating/water retention/other sides if u are sensitive to that or ur not running an AI

be sure to run arimidex or aromasin from beginning to end of your cycle if water retention is something u are concerned about

cyp or enathate are MUCH better options... for a couple reasons, one is less frequent injections (2 per wk is enough) and much less post injection pain... having to deal with injecting test prop ed or eod for an entire cycle gets on your nerves, been there, done it
hi blm20, for a beginner like me can i start with sustanon?

I too have been planning to run a prop only cycle and i started a thread that has some really good info and advice in it. Havent started it yet as im just gathering a ton of info first. and again i cant post the link....

But some of the advice given to me is to go for test e or c instead as prop can hurt like a bitch as well as having to inject ED or EOD. Where as test e or c you only have to inject two times a week.

If you were to go prop only (this is advice given to me and info ive read up on).
cycle should only be about 6-8 weeks long
150mg EOD
PCT 3 days after last prop injection

You from australia by any chance?
just turned 20 huh...your going to do whatever you want anyways, its your choice but I would google search effects of AAS on 20 year olds. you need diet and training not AAS
just turned 20 huh...your going to do whatever you want anyways, its your choice but I would google search effects of AAS on 20 year olds. you need diet and training not AAS

Got to be a troll, 20yo 5'10" @ 63 or whatever kilos? Seriously? Learn how to use a fork first.
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