Tren acetate 100, Prop 100 and Anavar, need some 411.


New member
Just bought 2 bottles of tren 100and prop 100 and 100 20mg anavar.

MY PCT will be:
HCG 250IU Every Third day
3 days after last injection*
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50

I'm following the American Diet which is created by scivation.

My workout plan is set.

My stats-
30years old
B/f 18% maybe a little higher

Past cycle
Sustanon 250+Anavar put got hurt half way in the cycle.
Tren 100, Prop 100 and Anavar need some 411

Just bought 2 bottles of tren 100and prop 100 and 100 20mg anavar.

MY PCT will be:
HCG 250IU Every Third day
3 days after last injection*
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50

I'm following the American Diet which is created by scivation.

My workout plan is set.

My stats-
30years old
B/f 18% maybe a little higher

Past cycle
Sustanon 250+Anavar put got hurt half way in the cycle.
Just bought 2 bottles of tren 100and prop 100 and 100 20mg anavar.

MY PCT will be:
HCG 250IU Every Third day
3 days after last injection*
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50

I'm following the American Diet which is created by scivation.

My workout plan is set.

My stats-
30years old
B/f 18% maybe a little higher

Past cycle
Sustanon 250+Anavar put got hurt half way in the cycle.

oops didnt see that you had 2 bottles of tren and prop .
thats 6 weeks worth of injectables at a modest dose , i prefer longer cycles but some do like 6 week cycles.
oops didnt see that you had 2 bottles of tren and prop .
thats 6 weeks worth of injectables at a modest dose , i prefer longer cycles but some do like 6 week cycles.

I might as well buy one more bottle of prop and tren.

How should I set up my cycle? Is that pct
Good enough?
6 weeks goes quick!! I would do 8 with the tren and then run the test out a couple weeks, I like that
keep the prop at a higher dose than the tren and also ending the tren a week or two before the how i would run it:
Week1-10 prop 150mgs eod
week1-8 tren 100mgs eod
week 6-10 var 60mgs/ed

Arimidex .25mgs eod-You will need this,if estrogen gets to high while on cycle the tren can promote prolactin in the body and cause some nasty side effects.Some dostinex will be good to have on hand.