Tren cough

This is my third time running tren and, thank God, I've never had the cough. I've pretty much only run tren E besides the first three weeks of my first tren cycle so I'm hoping I never have to deal with that. I do wake up with my sheets, pillow, matress, everything just soaked in sweat. Alot of times I have to either change my sheets in the middle of the night or lay a beach towel on my bed to sleep on so I don't have to lay in my huge sweat pool. I woke up last night and had sweat so much that the bottom side of my pillow was wet. crazy stuff but I love it.
I've been pinning 600 Tren E for 10 weeks now, never got cough. Nasty, smelly night sweats every night, though. What's up with the smell... ? Sort of a funky barnyard smelling sweat.. Even during the day! And "heavy lungs," which someone has suggested is the Tren E version of the Tren A cough. Interesting theory. Especially on really humid days I get periods of shallow, labored breathing lasting 20 min to an hour.

But I fuckin' love Tren. I wish I could stay on forever!
tren cough won't go away.. if u get it, u will most likely get it throughout the whole cycle... but not on every injection, it kinda sneaks up on ya ;)

and it can happen with even the best quality tren... I remember back when parabolan was still around, and that was my first experience with the near-death "tren cough"... but damn it's worth it lol
thats good to know china...i have been wondering if these sides were present back in the para days.looks like they were! :D
I get a cough from Test E sometimes when I hit a vein....nothing crazy...just a cough for a while....Tren E is the same way....Nothing like I have heard described....just a dozen or so decent coughs and a tingling in the chest.....Def. a sign the gear is legit though