Tren/Deca/Test Cycle Log Follow me for the next while.


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Hi Guys, New here. Going to be starting a Tren/Deca/Sus cycle tomorrow so first time trying a log. Hope you can follow me for the next 12 plus weeks.

This will be my 5th cycle. Have used both Tren and Deca before so I know how I react. Would start it today but don't feel ready just yet, on top of that also have the flu that's quite bad in the morning but seems to calm down a bit during the day. Anyways this is the cycle plan.


600mg of Deca Durabolin.


Tren Enathate 600mg.


1-finish 125mg of sustanon, Then resume to TRT.

I don't need to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on 125mg of test.

Ive got Pramiprexole here but have not touched that stuff in over a year. But latest blood test from my last Test/deca cycle showed P levels quite high so I shall start of at 0.25mg of caber mon/thu. Before bed.

I was going to try a gram of deca/tren but works slow at the moment so would be quite costly.

Diet wise Im going to be consuming around 5000calories. Anything less than that on my last Gaining cycle I didn't get squat.

I shall list my foods as the days go on.



15% BF.

Any input appreciated. Cheers.
That's a monster cycle. Never followed a cycle with deca and tren, but then again I have not been around here long.
Will be a good one to follow
That's a monster cycle. Never followed a cycle with deca and tren, but then again I have not been around here long.
Will be a good one to follow

First time running 2 19nors together. Shold be fine, just gotta make sure I use prami.

After this cycle, its deffs time to recomp and lean up a bit. Sick of hearing people say im looking fatter in the face and have moon face etc.
IDGAF what people say TBH but it starts getting to you after a while, especially when you look at pictures of you at 13%bf at like 88kg, I had a nice chiseld jawline, no face fat, now at 106 im getting a lot puffier in the face. But atm, im really after just lots of mass so idc what people say. Fuk em.

Doing my first pin tonight.
just injected 300mg tren e N deca into right quad.
oh and 125mg sus.

nothing to report yet lol. time will tell.

should i take some prami tonight guys?
Alright guys, First day of diet today.

Just had my first meal.

4 bits of bacon,
4 eggs.
4 bits of bread.
2 bannanas, icecream, protein powder and milk.

CBF listing macros, have the all in my fitness pal.

Next meal is 700Grams steamed or roast potato, with 400grams chicken thighs, vegies and sour cream.

After eating my first meal I started feeling tired and lerthagic and really feel like a nap. Started thinking do I wanna go thru all this bulking again, last bulk I went from around 99 to 106 with a test/deca cycle and it took its toll on me eating all the food. Eating the same stuff this time around as I know what works for my body etc. Then im thinking doing this for 16 weeks is gonna be a LOT of effort. So im contemplating switching to tren ace/npp for 6-8 weeks. But we shall see. Don't wanna fork out more money as ive already got all my long ester gear sitting here in my drawer.

Im thinking perhaps I have a milk allergy as im feeling lerthagic and sorta shitty. Not sure.
Macros are

160 fat.

290 protein

630 carbs. Total to 5000calories. This is what ill be eating weekly. With some slip ups here and there going out for dinner etc etc but overall im not to fussed. As long as my weight goes up and im happy with my muscle results im not to fussed. PLus not sure what to expect running both tren and deca together hahaha. Shall be fun.

My maintenance Is roughly 3000calories so im eating 2000calories over. But thing is, those main calorires calculators are pretty in accurate TBH. I mean, what if u decide to do another exercise on legs? Or another set for hammies or calves, or decide to train biceps quickly as you have spare time. If I start noticing to much fat gain ill cut calories a bit. But im really just after a lot of size and worry about recomping/cutting after this bulk. Not really one who cares what others think if im getting fat. Fuk em, think what u like its the offseason :P
Also I haven't listed in myfitnesspal, but ill have a glass of Chocolate milk with every few meals and a powerade every few workouts especially leg workouts like today.
Alright guys, nothing major to report except feeling lerthagic and what not from eating so much, really thinking to myself is it worth going thru all this again for some more size, im pushing thru but I don't feel the best, will see what happens. Have to clean diet up a bit, haven't been following macros or meals, been eating enuf calories but been going out for dinner and what not, doesn't bother me to much when bulking and on gear because quite frankly I stil make good gains anyway.

Trained back and rear delts today. Sweating by the time I left the gym. Next injection due tomorrow. Oh yeh will mostl ikely be adding anadrol in soon. First time using it, quite excited.(mAYBE)
Weighed myself today, did 2nd pin last night, weighing in at 108, 2kg up from 5 days ago, pretty much all water I guess lol. Training arms today and shoulders tomorrow..

Diet is the same 4400-5k cals.

I ever rarely dream at all when I sleep, I normally wake up a few times during the night, but ever since I started tren 5 days ago ive been having dreams, not nightmares or horrible ones, just random dreams. This normal fellas?
Alright guys, just finished training biceps and triceps, getting some awesome pumps while training tris, also just injected another 1.5ml deca and 1ml b12 to stimulate appetite, appetite is dropping quite a bit, struggling to get proper meals down, maybe I should just introduce calories bit my bit? and not just all at once seeing as Ive had 5 weeks of just maintaining etc. Anyone here ever run 900mg of deca? Hoping now to get to 115kg.
Havent updated in a while, not much to report, been training flat out, currently still weighing I thinka round 108kg. Appetite is quite shit for some reason idk why. Im thinking its the tren e, thoughts on adding eq in at 400-600mg a week to see if it does much? Id mix my eq shots with b12 :D.

Ive used tren ace from 3 or so labs before in sothe last yeare and never had appetite issues, now im running tren e from a new lab ive never used before and im thinking its killing my appetite!!. Takes me 5-6hours to be hungry again after eating in the morning lol.

Thoughts guys?
Aslo backed deca down to 600mg again, otherwise ill run out to fast and not prepared to keep forking out cash for no better gains that id get from 600 anyway.
Sounds like you're all over the place on dosages and compounds. The only thing you're sure of is that it will last a long time lol. Why don't you just stick to the original plan and let it play out? You only had one day and then second thoughts? If anything Id ramp the test up a lil but that's just me. Hopefully you get a handle on this cycle and rip it up! Good luck and happy cycling!
Alright fellas, almost at the start of week 3 as of tomorrow. Appetite is utter shit. Really contemplating adding in EQ. Eaten once today and im full, exhausted and full. assume im still weighin the same. Ill weigh myself again tomorrow. Next injection due today or tomorrow.

Also woke up around 4am with a blood nose, very heavy, blood everywhere. Not sure what the cause was. Tren related? HIGH BP? Not sure.