Tren E ONLY cycle NO results just ideas

I have a huge case of gyno from taking HGH when I was 19 without any pct or knowledge and I did it twice all Oral never got it fixed and always stayed swollen so before you make claims make sure you know what happened for me to get gyno lol! Megaplexxx 5 years ago ruined my life and nips haha sucks but I'll eventually have surgery I no longer have tenderness cause for almost each cycle I have arimadex on hand but thanks for the knowledge! I can take the insults but I won't take someone shooting a story out of there ass!

Apparently you don't know what works because your "worm" ain't working lol! There's a lot of conflicting info in some posts on this thread. Some obviously need to do a bit of research as yourself. Yea, your pretty cut but you have an obvious case of gyno developing. You really need to look into using ai's and serms before you end up competing in female figure with those tits. Test is the base for all cycles, period. No if's, and's, or but's. There's plenty of trial and error and studies on it. Unless your a female or want to become one, you need test. Your "knowledge" is severly lacking with gear. Considering your age, your heading down a very reckless and costly path to your health. All your cycle history doesn't give you experienced knowledge if they were all done incorrectly. Go read the ology faq's thread. You need it...
I have a huge case of gyno from taking HGH when I was 19 without any pct or knowledge and I did it twice all Oral never got it fixed and always stayed swollen so before you make claims make sure you know what happened for me to get gyno lol! Megaplexxx 5 years ago ruined my life and nips haha sucks but I'll eventually have surgery I no longer have tenderness cause for almost each cycle I have arimadex on hand but thanks for the knowledge! I can take the insults but I won't take someone shooting a story out of there ass!

HGH can't give you gyno. Sounds like you didn't take HGH.
Tren doesn't shut down natural test production? Does tren aromatize to e2?

tren doesn't aromatise and while it does shut down natural test production, it doesn't crash your e2.
Crashing e2 happens when you overdose your AI.
Yes my bad. Although I would assume any of you would've known what I meant to say is the Cialis for his limp dick problem.....but I accidentally said sex drive. But why the long debate? The man has 2 options which are simply to use test in the cycle or Cialis while on cycle since that is the ONLY question here, dude wants to get his dick hard while on tren. Did he ask about e2 or if he's started too young or if his body fat matters.....NO. Like I said (disregarding the wrong choice of grammar...libido, boner, whatever), either use test and if you choose not to then use Cialis. Pretty simple although you guys are making this to be such a complex discussion. Lol
Amen bro! ***55357;***56490;***55356;***57341;

Yes my bad. Although I would assume any of you would've known what I meant to say is the Cialis for his limp dick problem.....but I accidentally said sex drive. But why the long debate? The man has 2 options which are simply to use test in the cycle or Cialis while on cycle since that is the ONLY question here, dude wants to get his dick hard while on tren. Did he ask about e2 or if he's started too young or if his body fat matters.....NO. Like I said (disregarding the wrong choice of grammar...libido, boner, whatever), either use test and if you choose not to then use Cialis. Pretty simple although you guys are making this to be such a complex discussion. Lol
BigBen mentioned how test undecanoate has VERY LITTLE effect on his estrogen values (such a slow release).. even at a dose equivalent of 250mg/wk of typical esters for TRT. I would investigate this. You could use the dose equivalent of 150-200 and see where that lands your e2.

As far as limp dick.. the aforementioned will help. AND, 19-nor's will cause libido loss because of prolactin. (Prolactin is released after an ejaculation to signal a "rest" period in between intercourse. This is why after we cum, we usually don't want to go immediately after again) Prolactin will generally be whacked out because of the lack of estrogen control.

Implement JUST ENOUGH Test (undecanoate may help with estrogen for you), get bloods, dial in e2, start tren, monitor e2 and prolactin. Diet down.

You have to take it step by step, or you're just pissing in the wind. You can do it without having to give up your libido, and erections!

I would say if you absolutely have to eliminate test at the wire coming up to a comp, run prop so it's quickly out, and you can use it again to quickly get yourself back to normal T after comp is over. In the meantime you can start pinning your long ester test to make it seamless..

Would love to hear someone experienced on the matter, and fill in the gaps.. or completely pick apart my idea of prep.
Welcome to Ology Ronnie Jr.!

I lurked on this sight and many others for almost 2 years researching before signing up on ology. The reason I signed up here instead of the others was because of the mods and members on this site. They'll burn you down when you're being an idiot but if you listen they will be your greatest resource!! Stick around and take the time to read all the stickies (a couple of times) and you will be amazed at what you thought you knew and what's really just broscience!
ok love this answer thanks my man

BigBen mentioned how test undecanoate has VERY LITTLE effect on his estrogen values (such a slow release).. even at a dose equivalent of 250mg/wk of typical esters for TRT. I would investigate this. You could use the dose equivalent of 150-200 and see where that lands your e2.

As far as limp dick.. the aforementioned will help. AND, 19-nor's will cause libido loss because of prolactin. (Prolactin is released after an ejaculation to signal a "rest" period in between intercourse. This is why after we cum, we usually don't want to go immediately after again) Prolactin will generally be whacked out because of the lack of estrogen control.

Implement JUST ENOUGH Test (undecanoate may help with estrogen for you), get bloods, dial in e2, start tren, monitor e2 and prolactin. Diet down.

You have to take it step by step, or you're just pissing in the wind. You can do it without having to give up your libido, and erections!

I would say if you absolutely have to eliminate test at the wire coming up to a comp, run prop so it's quickly out, and you can use it again to quickly get yourself back to normal T after comp is over. In the meantime you can start pinning your long ester test to make it seamless..

Would love to hear someone experienced on the matter, and fill in the gaps.. or completely pick apart my idea of prep.
HOW THE HELL ARE YA! Good to hear from a face i know! Thanks for the honest answer. i expected it to be harsh ive read this forum for many years i love the vets and sometimes even noobs i def plan on learning and taking in what people tell me boss.

Welcome to Ology Ronnie Jr.!

I lurked on this sight and many others for almost 2 years researching before signing up on ology. The reason I signed up here instead of the others was because of the mods and members on this site. They'll burn you down when you're being an idiot but if you listen they will be your greatest resource!! Stick around and take the time to read all the stickies (a couple of times) and you will be amazed at what you thought you knew and what's really just broscience!
HOW THE HELL ARE YA! Good to hear from a face i know! Thanks for the honest answer. i expected it to be harsh ive read this forum for many years i love the vets and sometimes even noobs i def plan on learning and taking in what people tell me boss.

I'm doing good! I thought you might figure out who this was if I called ya jr. LOL
HOW THE HELL ARE YA! Good to hear from a face i know! Thanks for the honest answer. i expected it to be harsh ive read this forum for many years i love the vets and sometimes even noobs i def plan on learning and taking in what people tell me boss.

Good to hear good things from good people, let us know how we can help out and welcome to the family!

Onk beat me to it, I'd put you closer to 7-8% - which is WAY better than most guys that claim single digit body fat.

Testosterone doesn't necessarily lead to water retention; it's the byproduct of testosterone - estradiol, that's converted by your body. Aromatase inhibitors greatly reduce this from happening (you need SOME), and should be a part of your cycle.
Well most Tren cycles they want u to run more test what are your thoughts? What if i just run the same or minimum amount of test? I was thinking my Tren e 200 with my test blend 250 pinning every 3 4 or hell 5th day! I'm in a bulk faze but always try to stay pretty lean! I'm a strong believer in less gear and pinning i don't believe more oil is always best. I do well in the 350 to 500 mg in a 8 day spand. Test is best and that's what I was taught by my coach of 35 years experience however even with diet in check test gives me a bloated fat boy look haha the more I lift the bigger my belly gets in the gym! So I'm thinking since I've be pinning test blend 250 every 3 days I'll keep that and just pin every 4 days instead of 3 with my Tren e.

Onk beat me to it, I'd put you closer to 7-8% - which is WAY better than most guys that claim single digit body fat.

Testosterone doesn't necessarily lead to water retention; it's the byproduct of testosterone - estradiol, that's converted by your body. Aromatase inhibitors greatly reduce this from happening (you need SOME), and should be a part of your cycle.
If you would use an ai while on test, you most likely wouldn't be bloated. Your holding water most likely because your e2 is elevated.