Tren E , test e and equi. Correct dose


New member
Hi guys. Ive been running test e @ 600, equi @ 700 for the first 7 weeks. I'm now in week 8 and introduced tren e @ 150 a week and reducing my equi to 450 and test to 300. Any thoughs or advice? Heard that test and tren must be ran at a high/low ratio.
Welcome to the site! Please share some more stats with us, weight, age, cycle number, bloodwork etc. Thanks!
Weight 80kg, height 5.8, this is my 3rd cycle (previously ran test + anavar and test, anavar equi respectively). This is my first time using tren. Havent had any major sides so far (bit of night sweat, moody but nothing i cannot handle).
I don't know if you really need all those drugs but if it were me I'd probably do something like

400 test/wk
200 tren
400-600 equipoise

Even on the low end that's a gram of gear so I hesitate to recommend it to a smaller guy, but there you go...
Your on week 8 and you want to run tren e? How long are you planning to run this cycle for? 150mgs per week? You sure you know what your doing?
Sorry guys. Here is my correct dose. I was in a hurry to go train earlier. Test e @ 150 a week, equi @ 300 and tren e@ 225. Injecting as follows :

Monday -. 5ml test, . 5ml Tren, . 5ml Equi

Thursday - 1ml Tren, 1ml equi.

Planning to run 16 weeks, currently in my 8th week.

Any comments, advice or even crit will be greatly appreciated.

My main goal here is to gain lean mass bt losing bodyfat aswell.
Those are really low doses with 3 compounds. Why not pick one or two and up the dose? Eq usually is ran at a minimum of 600mgs per week for atleast 14 weeks or so. Your test is pretty low too. I could understand if you were running 500mgs+ of tren per week but your not. Don't see how you will get much gains out of this. The risk is definitely exceeding the reward here...
Sorry guys. Here is my correct dose. I was in a hurry to go train earlier. Test e @ 150 a week, equi @ 300 and tren e@ 225. Injecting as follows :

Monday -. 5ml test, . 5ml Tren, . 5ml Equi

Thursday - 1ml Tren, 1ml equi.

Planning to run 16 weeks, currently in my 8th week.

Any comments, advice or even crit will be greatly appreciated.

My main goal here is to gain lean mass bt losing bodyfat aswell.

Something isn't adding up here...

Your injecting 1.5cc's of tren and eq per week. How did you figure the milligrams? I'm assuming your test is 300mgs per cc???
Correct. Maybe i should leave the tren. Just go on as i did. 750 equi and 600 test for the next 7 to 8 weeks. Ill use the tren then later in the year with my 4th cycle. Thnx for ur input
Most of the guys running the same gear is injecting it at this dose. Main reason here is my weight. As i read nd heard low tren high test or high tren low test minimizes the sides of the tren.