Tren E Test P .. What To Do?


New member
Tren E .. HELP

Hello! This is my first post on this forum so hopefully I can post this without getting flamed too hard

I recently started my 6th Cycle in 6 Years ... I am 27 Years old (27 - 6.. Yes I know im an idiot for starting so young)
I am 5'6 190lbs probably 12% BF ish ... I in NO way consider myself anything more than a novice user so I am coming to this board for some advice! I recently started my first cycle of Tren (and the flaming begins..) - I have been running Tren E / 500mg with Test Prop 300mg ... I am coming up on the end of my 3rd week.

I feel amazing so far ... No sides other than a little trouble sleeping and some increased aggression (Yes I understand its barely even taken hold yet) ... My sex drive is as high as ever and I am not prone to gyno. (I also understand the issue with the progesterone can start after the PCT) .. I am starting to put on some serious weight as well as strength increases.

I use Clomid for PCT as it has seemed to work the best for me (Also been told not to use Nolva when dealing with a 19Nor)

I have OCD when it comes to researching the cycle I am on .. and that has turned out to be very bad. I have never used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (Flame Topic) and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) has never been needed. Caber is something that is just accessible to me. Researching what all you vets have said about Tren and the upkeep has got me pretty worried. (Its a lot different hearing it when you are natural vs hearing it when its in your system!)

My original plan was to run Tren for 10 weeks and continue Prop for an additional 2 - 3 Weeks.. Starting the PCT 3 days after my last shot. .. 13 Wk Cycle Total minus PCT

After reading all that im sure you realize just as I have that I am just hoping for the best with the lack of supplies I have. Even though I am feeling amazing with this Cycle .. I am starting to get cold feet.

Tren is obviously very potent and some scary stuff at times .. Not for beginners which is kinda contradicting my earlier statement about me being a novice... This is where I need some advice

Part of me is thinking to drop the Tren now while I am ahead and continue with a straight Prop Cycle (Prop has done WONDERS for me in the past)

I am in a constant battle with myself .. Safe vs Effectiveness and I need a non bias opinion on where to go from here.

Is cutting the Tren even worth it at this point?? (Being E its going to take me to week 6 anyway) .. or do you think that the less I do - The less potential risks?

Again I greatly appreciate all suggestions - Thank you for your time!
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welcome to ology..very similar to the cycle i just ran wich was test e @400mg tren e at 500mg for 12 weeks . dropped th etren at 10 weeks and switched to prop for about 2 weeks. Was a solid cycle and am almost done with pct. So you are young and already in it so go for it. Dont cut the tren ,you are almost at the good part ..week 4.5.6 ...good luck.
Well, I'm experienced & have done Tren. Had several friends cycle Tren as well. It can really can fvck you up. Some people do fine with it, a lot don't. It took me several months to get back to normal. Stop while you are ahead is my advice. I've found out I can get what I need just off a good cycle of Test only.
if you are not going to drop the tren, at least lower your dosage a bit. Your test p should be highest compound in terms of mg amount per week
Why are you running tren e with prop in the first place? keep in mind that the tren will stay in your system for a while after your last shot. For future reference it's better to run short esters with short esters & long with long for that reason

Good luck tho
Look I have done MANY cycles over the years and even i keep my trenE dose at 300-400mg ew..... (funny im on it now at 300mg trene ew + 500mg teste ew GREAT stuff)

drop the tren dose, up the test is what I rec if your not gonna drop the tren alltogether. at the VERY least drop the tren to 300mg ew for this first time with it.

Also do you have Prami on hand incase you get a case of Tren Gyno? because an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) wont fix it if its not estrogen related. just hope you know about that.

Good luck!
Why are you running tren e with prop in the first place? keep in mind that the tren will stay in your system for a while after your last shot. For future reference it's better to run short esters with short esters & long with long for that reason

Good luck tho

Yepp agreed!
at the very least TEST should be the TestE and Tren be TrenAce.
Well, I'm experienced & have done Tren. Had several friends cycle Tren as well. It can really can fvck you up. Some people do fine with it, a lot don't. It took me several months to get back to normal. Stop while you are ahead is my advice. I've found out I can get what I need just off a good cycle of Test only.


SOME do ok MOST seem to go through HELL and back with it!

to start trenE and not TrenA that would be out of system fast if sides came= Mistake #1
Tren at 500mg ew = Mistake #2

Im sure there are more but I sure hope there is not.
agreed should of went with tren ace as if u have bad sides it's outta your system within days not weeks like tren e, but ya keep your test higher and tren lower, kinda mix reactions about this some people up there tren and lower there test, but as for me when i run tren, i run 400mg/week test e and 200mg/week tren e, works fine for me and dont get those bad sides, some people run crazy amounts of tren and get all fucked up like stated!

But fuck it buy TNT which it contains 250mg test e and 150mg tren e/ per ML
alot easier, and cheaper as well
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I am in a constant battle with myself .. Safe vs Effectiveness and I need a non bias opinion on where to go from here.

Is cutting the Tren even worth it at this point?? (Being E its going to take me to week 6 anyway) .. or do you think that the less I do - The less potential risks?

Again I greatly appreciate all suggestions - Thank you for your time!

why not just try out 200mg trene ew? pin 100mg 2X a week (with your prop shots even) and see how you do.
then later on maybe try 300mg ew with teste.

200mg trene is worth using. a big mistake I see people doing is dosing Tren like they would test or mast. IT IS NOT THE SAME COMPOUND and should be treated as sutch.
agreed should of went with tren ace as if u have bad sides it's outta your system within days not weeks like tren e, but ya keep your test higher and tren lower, kinda mix reactions about this some people up there tren and lower there test, but as for me when i run tren, i run 400mg/week test e and 200mg/week tren e, works fine for me and dont get those bad sides, some people run crazy amounts of tren and get all fucked up like stated!

But fuck it buy TNT which it contains 250mg test e and 150mg tren e/ per ML
alot easier, and cheaper as well

some even run super low amounts liek 200mg ew and still cant handle it.
why i always say no tren to newbies and to always start out low when you do.
def recommend tren ace for newbies, thats for damn sure!
tren is the king of compounds in my mind! very potent

Mind u i have got previous cycles under me, but i get decent gains on just a Test Only Cycle, as right now i am on my 5th week of Test C and loving it!
u can do whatever u want on a test only cycle as well, alot of people as mis informed that it is just a bulking agent, fuck that, u can cut as good as u can bulk on a test only cycle!
very simple
up the calories intake on a bulking cycle
lower the calorie intake, up the protein, and lower your carb intake on a cut cycle!
add 10-15 min of cardio daily after a intense hour of weight training and you'll cut like a mother fucker!
Diet is key to what u wanna achieve!
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