Tren for first cycle at 18 years old

chemical castration, and youll grow tits. you asked in your first ever thread this same issue.
youll never be the same again.
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Hahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Nothin wrong with it. My first tren cycle I was 13. My dad told me it was time to make a man outta me. But as stated above......i now have tits, no balls, and I don't like girls anymore.
Seriously a little reading. Just Google it and read for hours.
You'll get better results if you just go to the gym. I'd type out a long lecture here but I'll spare the people on this site the agony. Most these guys care about the subject matter and enjoy passing along knowledge. But it's impossible with people like you saying silly things like this. Troll or confused kid? guessing troll cuz this is absurd.
13 years old when you started using tren? That's kinda late isn't it? My sister started when she was 12! By age 14 her clitt was bigger than her boyfriends wanker.
I see that your daring to get into gear before your psysically able to from all your threads, but i have to give you this that your showing some brains by at least asking away in the forum here and seeing the pros and cons from experienced members instead in jumping right into gear at an early age and having to deal with the cons of that and long term reporcussions of that.
keep asking away op so you can be sure that this is not for you until your body is ready.
I guarantee you that there are tons of bodybuilders globally who wished that they could have waited until the age of 26 before they got into gear.
Honest answers aren't gonna make much sense to you. Why? Because this question is absurd. I understand that you want a shortcut to the hulk physique, otherwise you wouldn't be looking into steroids at your age, but skipping the basics (test) of something already advanced (steroids) is complete and total insanity.
I have a better question....lets pretend that you're 30 years old and have been dedicated to your physique for 12 years. that point you are around 200 pounds and very very lean. Your bench press hovers in the mid 300s for a max and that's the absolute best you can do. You feel you cant grow anymore without steroids and you've paod your dues. You know what is like to eat right and workout.....through illness, death in the family, and all manner of personal loss and trials. So you're gonna take the plunge......QUESTION why not start with test only cycle at that point? Tren is hard to manage. Know anything about tren? The sides.....the difficult to explain gynecomastia that is not related to the estro? Hmmmm. What about the cardio issues. How long are gonna run this tren for. Tren as a first cycle you will bail out the second it kicks in. Why? Because you've never managed the issues that come along with it.....not to any degree.
You ask.....why not tren. Well pretend you're 30 and answer me WHY NOT TEST ONLY?
LMAO at the responses.

But Seriously to the OP.

You have NO BASE, so until you take the time to Build One, this question is Rhetorical................... JP
AAS aren't Magic !