I have read it over and over and practiced it many times..... diet is key. You can bulk on anything or cut on anything. It's all about diet right?
But I question this thinking. Only because there are so many cycles using so many different aas.
If diet is the deciding factor then why have tren, mast, tbol,dbol,deca, etc.
We would all do well on some test and perfect diet.
But u clearly see more elite guys running test deca anadrol during bulks and test tren anavar during cuts.
I have seen pics of jacked up shredded guys on tren. They put up with tren cough and other sides to get that look.
I have seen pics of guys on test deca and they are shredded and jacked too!
Plenty of guys stay clear of tren and do well on other compounds.
I'm trying out tren a 100mg eod
Waiting to see.but so far I'm thinking deca is better for size. But I may change my mind in a few weeks
I know I love deca.
Test is test. The king!
Orals, not to happy with.
Diet is most significant but the placement of these compounds must have some smaller effect on your goals depending if you want to bulk or cut.
And using the proper amount of AI will keep any type of bloat out of a test deca cycle. So that shouldn't really matter.
Tren has a benefit that it's brethren lack; nutrient partitioning, which is why it's so popular with cutting. You can be at a deficit, and STILL make some gains in LBM. I find it to be a little exaggerated, but it's very real in that regard IME.
Nandrolone adds the thickening of synovial fluid in compound joints on top of being quite anabolic. This means you can lift heavier with less pain, which adds to the reputation of being a "bulker". Of course, before AI use was prevalent, the fact that it does aromatize gave it the title of a "wet" compound.
DHT derivatives free up sex hormones by binding to SHBG. Some even bind at the androgen receptors over estradiol, reducing side effects of estradiol (just noticeable ones like water retention) in tissues. They also tend to have aa bit more androgenic activity, so those benefits (and sides) become more apparent.
Then there's the "specific purpose" drugs like winstrol or boldenone. Winstrol is essentially an anabolic diuretic (DHT derivative), and boldenone aids with appetite as well as being known for red cell generation.
Can you bulk or cut on really anything? Yup. Diet is truly what even determines whether you're bulking or cutting, where the choice of AAS really just enhances in some cases. Like if one were about to compete in a show, and wanted to bring out that definition even more, winstrol makes sense. However, if bulking - it would be a less than stellar choice.
Luckily, trenbolone can be used for either without losing any true benefits. It is crazy anabolic and androgenic, helps put your food to better use, and doesn't aromatize. Sounds pretty win/win as long as the sides don't overwhelm the benefits.
My .02c