tren hex

route #2 is the safest

for route #1 the most common way is take the good piss put it in a condom tie the condom off and tape it to your cock then u need to prick the condom when u have ot piss the key is keeping the piss at a stable temperature because they will test the temperature.

I know a guy who beat NCAA test for 4 or5 years he's a guru on it but number 2 is the best bet
if you that worried about it just stay clean and eat like a horse.

winny aint a good one either to pass a test on.

make your own T sus. its easy enough. T sus and dbol will give you nice gains and you can be clean quick.

you only got a few months till the spring. if it was me id say fuck it and stay clean. why do something that you gotta worry about?
Keeper of Chaos said:
yea i just ordered some test base and will make some susp and i have dbol on hand that i made.

once you get the base the instructs are on here for the T susp in water. same as Winstrol (winny) in water. you need some peg, ba and bac water. you can make your own water.
Keeper of Chaos said:
yea i have read and i had a question. i don't have to do it a gram at a time do I?

no. but i would do a test run one time to make sure you got it right before you mess up all you base.