Tren/Mast/Test/Anadrol suggestions?


I am banned!
Looking for advice on anyone who has stacked a cycle using Tren/Mast/Test/Anadrol

I'm thinking of going:

Test Prop: 100/EOD weeks 1 - 22
Tren: 150/EOD weeks 1 - 12
Anadrol: 100mg/EOD weeks 1 - 4
Mast: 150/EOD weeks 4 - 16
Pct after the 6 week cruise on test

This would be my biggest stack yet and want to make it effective. I'm 205lbs at 15%BF, a little high but I can shave that prior to starting. Looking to add lean mass, hopefully get up to about 220lbs.

Any suggestions or thoughts?
Why not front load with prop but run a longer ester? 22 weeks of prop is more pinning and more money then test c or e.

You could also try holding off on the anadrol until the ace and prop kick in. If you can be patient the first two weeks you'll get more synergy running your oral weeks 2-6.

My .02
Considering your staying on test for a whopping 22 weeks, I would also suggest running test e or cyp.

You may want to consider running low test with tren and mast. 200mgs of test per week with the tren and mast.