Tren - masteron - anavar - winstrol stak


New member
little bit about myself im 21 bin training since i was 13 6ft 4'' weighing around 18stone with 14% bf (bit of a natural freak with my size).done a show last year under 21 juniors
had a few cycles now im just trying 2 get my bf down abit more but still maintain reasonable size have a pretty clean diet and do cardio 3-4 times a week for 20mins.
im currently taking :

tren parabolon 400mgs a week
masteron 400mgs a week
anavar 60mg every day
winstrol 40 mg every day

500mg of milk thistle everyday. liver should be in decent nick as i never drink alcohol

bin on this cycle 2 weeks now feel fine but some 1 was telling me this is to much ??
just abit of advise and opinions please

Bro... where is your test? You HAVE to run test as the base to EVERY cycle.Also, I'll give you a heads up you are about to get some shxt for also only being 21 and on cycle already. The cycle would be a great cut cycle if you threw say, at least 500mg/wk of test prop in there. What you need to do is stop this cycle. Get yourself the test, and then do it. In the meantime its a waste. Also, with you being 21, you still have a lot of free flowing test that(that you have already shut down). You are better off waiting until you r at least 25 but def by 30. Thats the window where it makes sense to start with AAS. But, given the fact you already have all your gear AND you are competing im sure you will not heed that warning. so just do yourself a favor and stop till you can get your hands on some prop or even suspension.
Ya I agree...

1. You need to be running testosterone with this cycle at least at a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose 200-300mg/week.

2. You never mentioned how long you are running this cycle.

3. I would drop the winstrol unless you need it right before a show... Tren, Mast, and Anavar (var) are arguably the 3 best compounds for cutting...if you can't drop fat with those 3 its because of your diet
Hi mate cheers for that ive have tried test my last cycle but gave me gyno straight away so got some novadex and it went so im trying 2 stay away from gear that converts 2 estrogen. what do you recommend for my post cycle?i was just goin 2 use HCG.
you shouldn't see gyno with a low dose of test, hell even 175mg/week of top notch gear should put you into the normal range...Its not good to be walking around with zero testosterone in your body and this is why doctors prescribe test to males with low levels. And if you are still worried about gyno run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on cycle to keep estro in check and start it 1week before you start the test.

And How Long Is Your Cycle Bro??

Usually with longer cycle Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is very smart to use, still good on short cycle as well. Run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500-700iu/week dosed ~E3D. Run this throughout your cycle and stop 1week before you start post cycle therapy (pct). PCT should consist of clomid, nolva, torem, or a combo of 2

...still drop the winny
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