tren or test


New member
which one would you stack with insulin to get the best results and you keep the most of your gains on???????????????
as I stated before......I belive that test should be the base of any solid least until you learn more!
ok so if you new a guy who was getting some test in mexico what is price and how long will this one vile last him ? what you crotch it to get back across with it ?:40oz:
which one of this combo would you think would be the best:
test and insulin if you use it the right way
or test and deca?

i am looking for good gains that i do not have to worry about losing them after i get off of them.
i looking for good quality gains from one of this cycles?
which one would you think you gain the most quaility gains on
1 test and insulin

2test and deca

choose one of them

i am looking to not worry about losing my gain when i come off of them...
slobberknocker said:
I actually had better gains on tren only than I did on test only.

im not saying that it will be innefective, id jsut rather not take the chance of having a limp dick for 8 weeks. if your shutting down production of your natty test i believe you should at least put a theraputic dose of it in your cycle.
bronco944 said:
im not saying that it will be innefective, id jsut rather not take the chance of having a limp dick for 8 weeks. if your shutting down production of your natty test i believe you should at least put a theraputic dose of it in your cycle.

Yeah, that makes sense. I'm lucky though, I don't get fina dick, so I didn't really worry about it.
so which one would you prefer:

1test and insulin

2test and deca

trying to make some new kind of gains here
i would good quaility gains from on of this cycles
I like 150mg Fina EOD and 200mg Test E5D along with Nolvadex. That's a low dose of test but I mainly add that to keep the libido in check. I want my gains from the Fina. You could up the Test to 400mg E5D, but if you need more than that your training and diet aren't in order.