tren primo anavar


New member
Hey guys im running 3ml(300mg) of tren and 3 ml(300 mg) of primo every week...and in the last 5 weeks i will also add anavar to my cycle..!! I am in 11th day...and this is the first day i felt changes in gym....i didnt saw any changes in my body yet...i will keep you update if u are interested :)(its the first cycle in my life btw...).i will post fotos later as i the first good changes will come in my body after the 5th week...We'll be in touch :D
your fist cycle in your life and you desided to run Tren??? and without test???!

Bottom're an idiot!
Yeah bro, low primo and var with no test is ok for females. Men need to have test, not to mention 300mg primo wont do much and without test your dick is going to stop working right.

Get some test and do it right bro, drop everything else but the var and take some caber and an AI
i am very sensitive to estrogonic side effects(specially to gyno)...thats why i didnt add test...anyway i'll just keep this and let u informed about my results if u are interested :P plus for libido i take vitrix...
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