Tren/Prop Project


New member
I just made 40ml's of tren at roughly 75ml/mg. I need to add prop to this. I would like to add 2g of prop powder to my solution to make the end product 75mg/ml tren and 50mg/ml prop.

I used a fina kit to convert the tren. Can I simply add the 2g of prop powder and heat it up. Will that hold? Or do I need to add some more BA or BB?
You can't do it now. Once you add ba and prop to the tren oil it dilutes the mg/ml count. Your best bet is to make the prop seperate and draw them both into the same syringe.
Well you could do it but elijah is right, it will change the concentration. I don't see that as a problem but you should be aware of it.

Its hard to say whether you will need to add any more solvent. Hopefully you have it on hand so you can add some if you need to. You could simply warm your tren solution, add prop, stir. If it dissolves, cool and see if it crashes. If not, warm up again and filter. If it crashes, add solvent until it stays in solution, then filter. You can then recalculate your mg/ml. by dividing the amount of each hormone into the total volume of solution.
The way I see it, it wouldn't alter mg/ml concentration that much. In this case I don't need to be that precise. My main question is whether it would hold in the current solution without adding BA. I guess I will just heat it up and see if it holds. If not, I will start slowly adding BA. Thanks for the responses.
Prob not without adding more BA/BB

Adding 2grams alone wont change it much, ~72mg/ml and around 48mg/ml prop.

I would just first dissolve the prop by iteslf in a BA:BB solution and then add it directly to the oil.