Tren / Proviron / Win / Deca


New member
i want try this cycle.of 8 weeks

1week = 20mg/Win + 25mg/Proviron + 150mg/Tren + 200/Dec
2week = 20mg/Win + 50mg/Proviron + 150mg/Tren + 200/Dec
3/4week = 20mg/Win + 50mg/Proviron + 150mg/Tren + 300/Dec
5/6/7/8week = 25mg/Win + 50mg/Proviron + 225mg/Tren + 400/Dec

I should use the Trenbolone acetate, do you think that i can replace it with Parabolan (Trembolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate)?

Thanks a lot.
I would rethink your cycle. What are your stats and cycle history?

You are running two DHT's and two 19nors with no Test? If you want a short (8week) cycle then you need to deal with fast acting compounds. Test Prop would be the base of a short cycle. Deca is a very long acting compound, worthless for 8 weeks. NPP would be fine for 8 weeks in you want a fast acting version of nandrolone. Tren Ace would be fine for 8 weeks. Pick either one, NPP or Tren Ace. Then between the two dht's winstrol and proviron, just pick one. Proviron would help somewhat keep estrogen low and keep your sex drive up, it is somewhat synergistic with test, but not very anabolic in it's own right. Winstrol would be more anabolic, but it comes at a price of dried up joints, terrible on liver and cholesterol, terrible on hairline.

Also, what is your plan for PCT?
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W T F ???

Dude, please run that cycle. Then come back and update us on how your dick work function.
Thanks a lot, i would try to fat loss and increase mass.

what's the suggestion for my wishes ?

PCT = HCG/Novaldex

However, do you know where i could buy them on line and to be sure about delivery and quality, plese ?


I would rethink your cycle. What are your stats and cycle history?

You are running two DHT's and two 19nors with no Test? If you want a short (8week) cycle then you need to deal with fast acting compounds. Test Prop would be the base of a short cycle. Deca is a very long acting compound, worthless for 8 weeks. NPP would be fine for 8 weeks in you want a fast acting version of nandrolone. Tren Ace would be fine for 8 weeks. Pick either one, NPP or Tren Ace. Then between the two dht's winstrol and proviron, just pick one. Proviron would help somewhat keep estrogen low and keep your sex drive up, it is somewhat synergistic with test, but not very anabolic in it's own right. Winstrol would be more anabolic, but it comes at a price of dried up joints, terrible on liver and cholesterol, terrible on hairline.

Also, what is your plan for PCT?
My suggestion if you want to run multiple compounds that you listed and a short cycle.

1-8 Test Prop 150 EOD (525mg per wk)
1-8 (19nor)Either NPP 100mg(fast acting version of nandrolone aka "deca") or Tren Ace 50-75mg EOD (175mg-262mg per wk)
1-8 (dht)Proviron 50mg ED or 3-8 Winstrol 50mg-75mg ED
1-8 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 iu twice per week (500iu per wk)

PCT = Nolva 5-7 days after your cycle end

I always keep on hand an AI(extremestane aka aromasin, or amiridex) in case you get bloat or gyno issues

and a prolaction antagonist (anti-prolactin) such as prami or caber, in case your 19nor of choice gives you too much prolactin buildup which can cause limp dick, gyno, lactating nipples

I refer you to check out the sites sponsors for reliable and high quality "supplements"
My suggestion if you want to run multiple compounds that you listed and a short cycle.

1-8 Test Prop 150 EOD (525mg per wk)
1-8 (19nor)Either NPP 100mg(fast acting version of nandrolone aka "deca") or Tren Ace 50-75mg EOD (175mg-262mg per wk)
1-8 (dht)Proviron 50mg ED or 3-8 Winstrol 50mg-75mg ED
1-8 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 iu twice per week (500iu per wk)

PCT = Nolva 5-7 days after your cycle end

I always keep on hand an AI(extremestane aka aromasin, or amiridex) in case you get bloat or gyno issues

and a prolaction antagonist (anti-prolactin) such as prami or caber, in case your 19nor of choice gives you too much prolactin buildup which can cause limp dick, gyno, lactating nipples

I refer you to check out the sites sponsors for reliable and high quality "supplements"

I have some doubts regarding this, i would like to hear your opinion on this questions:

Proviron is not enough to keep estrogen low? He could also need to add adex or aromasin?

What do think about using letro instead of adex or aromasin?

Thanks in advance :)
If you are not interesting, don't reply ! If you like take the dick in you ass, it's your problem and here it's OT !!

You are running two 19-nor compounds in the same cycle with ZERO testosterone. And you having nothing to combat the sides of prolactin build up nor anything to control pregesterone induced gyno. This is a poorly conceived cycle and there's really no way to sugar coat it. If this is your 4th cycle I'd love to know what your first three were like. You'll find no one with any experience running AAS who would even consider running the cycle you're proposing. If you think the proviron is going to boost your natty testosterone production you're mistaken. It most certainly will not be enough to over come the hard shut down of running two 19-nor compounds.

But, like I said, have fun running it. Keep us updated.
I have some doubts regarding this, i would like to hear your opinion on this questions:

Proviron is not enough to keep estrogen low? He could also need to add adex or aromasin?

What do think about using letro instead of adex or aromasin?

Thanks in advance :)

He really isn't going to have to worry about estrogen levels in this cycle. 19-nor compounds don't aromatize into E2. He has NO test in this cycle. His gyno worries will come from progesterone related gyno, not estrogen related. At minimum he needs something to combat those potential sides.
I have some doubts regarding this, i would like to hear your opinion on this questions:

Proviron is not enough to keep estrogen low? He could also need to add adex or aromasin?

What do think about using letro instead of adex or aromasin?

Thanks in advance :)

everybody is different. Some guys don't need AI's at all. I always do, I get estro sides easy. I haven't actually ran proviron yet, but I did run epistane with test and I stayed bone dry and the minor gyno I had seemed to shrink more than any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I've used, including letro.

Letro is good, use very small doses. Juced Porkchop had a good post a while back about the proper way to run letro because it is powerful.
btw, I just realized we are high jacking this thread so I'm done unless the OP has more questions.