Tren/sust/deca 1st Cycle Ever. Newb questions


New member
I'm 3 weeks into this cycle. Was recommended by a personal trainer. I am kinda dissapointed in the results so far. I workout 5-6 day per week. "heavy" weight low reps (5-7). Have picked up a little strength, but no size really. I'm 6' 160-165. BF bounces around from 10.5-12%. Eating between 3000-4000 "clean" calories a day. Taking about 230g of protein per day. Am I expecting to much to early or doing something wrong? I'm really looking to bulk up as I am pretty small framed. Looking to get to about 175ish with some abs in the cutting stage. Thanks for any help/advice, I appreciate it
Um, your trainer put you on sus, deca, and tren for your first cycle?!?! Lol. He must be a tool. Dose ages? How old are you? You're taking this gear and you want to be 175 lbs?! Are you a troll?
Not a troll at all lol. Maybe 185-190. Is that better? More the better as long as it's muscle. I'm about to be 32 on the 19th. I'm taking 2c's of tren and sust/wk. 1 Sunday and 1 Thursday. And 2c's of deca on Sunday only
What's the mgs of the tren and the deca? Usually u do tren acetate eod. It's kind of irresponsible of your trainer to tell u to do tren your first cycle. U should do test only your first cycle for 500 mgs total each week. My advice is to get a trainer that has half a clue. Your current one is a dumbass.
Do not run two 19 nors together (tren deca) also this is a bad bad first cycle. I bet he's one of those trainers at your local gym who doesn't look like he's even lifted a weight. Those trainers that train chicks and fat dudes know nothing about aas. Which clearly this guy doesn't know shit. Stay on test only and for Christ sake go eat. 6 foot 160 is not a good build to build off of. You should clearly be at 180-200 before you start. You should stop your cycle and go do research
Do you even have PCT and on-cycle support???? Please tell us you do, cuz if you don't, then you better get some pronto tonto.
This does not sound good..
I'm not staying at home tonight, so I will find out how much I've been taking of each. What is the negatives of the 2 19 nors together? Is it just the side effects or what? Or health concerns? Like I said I'm a total newb to the anabolic steroid route (obviously). Im here to learn. He did say I will have to do a post cycle therapy (pct) at the end but didn't say what that will be. Everybody just says "do research". Well I've seen a million different threads on the same cycle in my searches and 999999 different opinions. It's between gods gift to muscles and I'm gonna die from it next week lol. So I'm saying I want an explanation, not just a "he's a dumbass" or you're an idiot or whatever. Thanks for the help.
hey i think you should listen to comment and stop taking quick. i think i know where you are coming from i am 32 too, and you probably worked your ass off but didnt see results. take it one day at a time and just to the test e like everyone recommends here and remember it is not what you look like today just keep focused on week 12 or 16. that is when you will feel accomplishment. i have a 10ml vial of tren and based on advice i am not going to take it. i am going to trust advice here and save it for second or third cycle. GET QUALITY TEST AND post cycle therapy (pct) ONLY 12-16 weeks.
Get off the cycle and get PCT asap. You're 3 weeks in so it shouldn't be too bad right now. I'm sorry but you said it youself, that you're a total noob when it coems to roids. This isn't something that you should just "wing" and hope for the best. Especially with compounds like deca which shuts you down HARD and the most anabolic compound out there which is Tren. I dont htink you realize the consequences of steroid mis-use. Do yourself a favor, check the ego, and stop the cycle. Take the time off to get to know all about steroids and pct, and ancillaries, etc. Formulate a GAME PLAN - cycle, diet, training program. You're 6 feet tall and you're 160lbs. You dont need to have the cleaniest diet. I would probably just eat everything in sight if i were you.
Always make sure you have everything for your cycle before you start. If something happens part way in, it is good to have ancillaries and pct ready to go.

As fliedlice said, eat everything in sight. Sounds like you either have a fast metabolism or are new to lifting, so just eat eat eat!

Test is the foundation for most steroid cycles, and should be the only compound you first take. This will help you familiarize yourself with how your body reacts to steroids, and then build upon it as you progress with your lifting and knowledge of steroids.

I know you want to get big, but steroids are merely supplements to your training. They can be very dangerous if used improperly, and moderately safe when used with knowledge. Probably best to wait a while before making a major commitment with a body altering substance if you don't have everything in check, IMO.
I'm going to go a differant way with this... stay on cycle, ramp down the deca to 1/4cc 2x a week and stay with the tren @ 400mg and test @ 500mg. Or, drop to just test 500mg/week. Nothing wrong with deca and tren together, watch for sides... done them both together at high volumes for long runs, never had any issues. : )
I'll get the ancillaries and pct's coming. What is the "if something happens you'll have it on hand" warning. What can/might happen? Early signs? Symptoms?

I really appreciate you guys taking the time to explain things :)
I'll get the ancillaries and pct's coming. What is the "if something happens you'll have it on hand" warning. What can/might happen? Early signs? Symptoms?

I really appreciate you guys taking the time to explain things :)

Have cabergoline on hand when using deca/tren. Notice itchy nips or a lump under the nip, could be from the test or the deca/tren.
keep am eye on ur nuts size/high or low.. maybe run some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) thro ur cycle to keep this in check. go buy yourself some arimidex and take one every 3rd day or so to keep water and est in check and coming off run nova/clomid prob for 5wks plus till your pecker is back to normal
what could happen if you run nothing... nuts shrink and never to be used again u end up with more tit than katy perry.. all ur gains will turn to fat mostly on ur chest/belly due to your est level being to high and you will have just wasted 4 months of your life and ££££££.. these are just a few of course
check out the newbi sticky there is some really good info in long acting/short test and pcts some good cycles to follow for your first etc i would recommend you go read this