Tren, test, anavar, dbol, any opinions?


New member
ran cycle 1 for 12 weeks, test 2 cc a week,dbol 1cc a day oral, anavar 75mg a day
clomid one month
as soon as after clomid was done w
cycle 2, test 2cc a week, dbol 1cc a day oral, anavar 75mg a day, removed dbol from cycle after 8 weeks, currently on the last 3 weeks of this cycle, will do one month of clomid
soon as im done w the clomid thinking of jumping on
tren 3cc a week, test 3cc a week, dbol 1cc a day orally for the first 8weeks of the 12 week cycle and anavar 4, 25mg pills a day
any opinions, suggestions? since I started these cycles, i have lost a tremendous amount of bf, im still not at my goal just yet, but did some research and was informed as well b a good friend of mine who is also on his own cycle, to throw in some tren, any and all opinions/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
ran cycle 1 for 12 weeks, test 2 cc a week,dbol 1cc a day oral, anavar 75mg a day
clomid one month
as soon as after clomid was done w
cycle 2, test 2cc a week, dbol 1cc a day oral, anavar 75mg a day, removed dbol from cycle after 8 weeks, currently on the last 3 weeks of this cycle, will do one month of clomid
soon as im done w the clomid thinking of jumping on
tren 3cc a week, test 3cc a week, dbol 1cc a day orally for the first 8weeks of the 12 week cycle and anavar 4, 25mg pills a day
any opinions, suggestions? since I started these cycles, i have lost a tremendous amount of bf, im still not at my goal just yet, but did some research and was informed as well b a good friend of mine who is also on his own cycle, to throw in some tren, any and all opinions/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I believe you will see better gains if you put some time between your cycles. If your going to do it like that, i wouldnt even do pct, just cruise on a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose, and get back on. Im not recomending that though. Im sure some of the veterans can give more technical reasons why this is a better protocol.
How old are you? How many cycles have you run before? What kind of test? How many mgs a week are you planning to do, not cc's. Or tell us how many mgs/ml your test is.
We can help with some more information.
I'm 32, the test is 250 mg, been taking cycles on and off for 5 years, normally would just do a test only cycle, last year I started stacking, this is the first time I do 3 cycles so close to each other, or normally ill do a 12 week, and take off the same amount time time, I was informed by a person I know that going for a year would assist in keeping more of your gains once u come off, so I figured I would give it a shot, lol (no pun) now normally I wouldn't listen and just do my normal 12 week, but this is a pretty respectable person who is guided by a doc so, I said wth
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Your runnning 2 orals your one, that's pretty bad on your liver. I'd also take tbol over dbol for the simple fact that your thinking of running tren and Anavar (var) which are of course better for lean (less water) gains. You could also use masteron instead of Anavar (var) , 2 orals for that long is just not good.
Your runnning 2 orals your one, that's pretty bad on your liver. I'd also take tbol over dbol for the simple fact that your thinking of running tren and Anavar (var) which are of course better for lean (less water) gains. You could also use masteron instead of Anavar (var) , 2 orals for that long is just not good.

im taking milk thistle which is supposed to help in the toxicity of the stuff, but i know what u mean, so basically your suggesting, dbol, masteron and tren? and of course test.
Test, tren, mast imo would be an ideal cycle... you could add Anavar (var) to that also, but I do think 4 compounds is an overkill.

Personally I would save the Dbol for a test/deca/dbol cycle, but hey you look a little bigger than I am so w/e your doing is working. I would just question if your stacking too much and trying to do too many things at once. Cut or Bulk, dbol + tren makes no sense.

Tren is very harsh as is Dbol. I would worry about that combination if I was you.
just blast and cruise... you're putting your body through hell for no reason if you start another cycle as soon as you finish pct
Test, tren, mast imo would be an ideal cycle... you could add Anavar (var) to that also, but I do think 4 compounds is an overkill.

Personally I would save the Dbol for a test/deca/dbol cycle, but hey you look a little bigger than I am so w/e your doing is working. I would just question if your stacking too much and trying to do too many things at once. Cut or Bulk, dbol + tren makes no sense.

Tren is very harsh as is Dbol. I would worry about that combination if I was you.
yea from what ive read and been reading dbol with this combo would not be too good,
so your suggesting test tren and masteron? sounds good, i might go ahead and try that one.
just blast and cruise... you're putting your body through hell for no reason if you start another cycle as soon as you finish post cycle therapy (pct)

im probably gona go ahead and take an extra 4 weeks after my post cycle therapy (pct), my post cycle therapy (pct) takes thru 4 weeks, so 2 months off should be good.
Don't assume your good. Get bloodwork. It's cheap and easy. Ya bro we all want to get the body we desire but not taking the propper time off can lead to permanent damage and low test. Some of the harsher compounds like tren and deca have been known to take months after post cycle therapy (pct) to recover. Take it easy and slow down. This is not a race though a lot of guys think it is. Remember bro ite not all about right now. Make sure you live a long healthy life. A lot of shit now won't show untill later in life. Low test is one.
Hey guys,
I a kind of a newbie but done my research over the past few years. Was an idiot when I was younger and just ran whatever I could get my hands on.
I currently have 20 ml of primo, 20 ml of tren ace, 600x 10 mg of anavar and 20 ml of test c on hand.
I can get more of any of these with in a couple days. What would the pros recommend here. I am not looking for huge mass gains more strength and cut.
Also would you recommend running something like Nolva while on cycle to keep down the bloat?
I was personally thinking of 400 mg primo/wk, 300 tren, 500 test c and 60 mg/ daily of the anavar for 8 weeks, what are your guys thoughts?
I respect all criticism
Any suggestions or comments
i'm 5'10 220lbs and have done many different cycles but new to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and T3

Anastrozol .25mg/ed Week 1 - 10
Winstrol 50mg/ed week 1 - 10
Tren E 400mg/week week 1 - 10
Test E 500mg/week week 1 - 10
HCG 500IU/week week 1 -10
T3 50mcg/ed week 3 - 10
Anavar 60mg/ed week 4 - 10 and 20mg/ed week 11
Clen 80mcg week 1,2 - 5,6 - 9,10,11
Nolvadex 30mg/ed week 11,12,13
clomid 100mg/ed week 11 and 50mg/ed week 12,13