Tren & Win Depot


New member
For my next cycle I was thinking of running Tren 7mg's Eod and Win 50mg's Eod for 8 weeks. Has anyone done this cycle? If so what was your results?
Drace said:
For my next cycle I was thinking of running Tren 7mg's Eod and Win 50mg's Eod for 8 weeks. Has anyone done this cycle? If so what was your results?

If you mean Tren "75 mg EOD" along side of'll love it! Maybe add a little test as a base (~250-300 mg/week)
Some years ago Y did exctly that cycle: tren 75mg eod win depot 50mg eod, 6 or 7 week (don't remember). No test added.
Results: extreme (extreme!) muscle quality, good strenght, very good vascularity.
Of course it is not a bulking cycle...
Yes , i meant 75 mg's eod sorry about that.
I am on a 400mg/week cycle of Enth right now for 10 weeks. When I am done i will take a couple months off and go for the tren & win.

How do you think it would be to throw some test suspension in with that? Perhaps .5 cc eod.
Drace said:
Yes , i meant 75 mg's eod sorry about that.
I am on a 400mg/week cycle of Enth right now for 10 weeks. When I am done i will take a couple months off and go for the tren & win.

How do you think it would be to throw some test suspension in with that? Perhaps .5 cc eod.

Some say test should be the base of any cycle. I don't think so, and unless you have problems with tren this is the kind of stack that can stand without test. If I had to add test, anyway, it would be a very short ester or preferably suspension
Would this be a good cycle to tone up more, rather then bulk up. Shouldnt get as much water retention if any, and might help to burn some fat?
Drace said:
Would this be a good cycle to tone up more, rather then bulk up. Shouldnt get as much water retention if any, and might help to burn some fat?
Definitely yes: no water at all and ideal condition to burn fat.
The only element that could make you hold water, would be the test. Especially if it was suspension, that shit bloats you up fast.
By the time I take this cycle I will be working.
I work construction, paving. It is very labour orientated so besides that I would probably be just jogging for cardio.