Trenazone/Helladrol Cycle


New member
34 years, 5'11, 175lb, 14%bf

Good day gentlemen and ladies, thank you for your time. Prior cycles include superdrol(way too early and probably bunk or underdosed), Finaflex Andro(+5lb) and Helladrol(+5-10lb). Have been a bit of a gym rat for the last 3 years, but only recently learned how to eat effectively. This will be a clean bulk. Training, diet and support supps are in order. Cycle Assist throughout, Multi, Fish Oil.

Here is the current layout:

Trenazone: 1.5/2/2/2/2/2
Helladrol: 75/75/75/100/100/100
Dermacrine: 0/3/3/3/3/3
Inhibit-P: ?
Erase: ?

Torem: 90/60/30/30
Daa: 3/3/3/3/3/3
Erase: 1/2/3/3/2/1
Inhibit-P: ?
Slin Sane

A few questions:

1. Erase on cycle?

2. Inhibit-P on cycle? Post cycle?

3. Aromaisin on hand?

4. Bulbine overkill?

Any other advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks again for your time.
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instead of taking ERASE, why not just run a real Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like that Aromasin? or A-dex?

I dont think you should take creatine. you don't need it. you are taking steroids man - creatine aint gonna do shit, its not even in the same ballpark, plus you are gonna have to drink WAY WAY more water to prevent dehydration.
I dont think you should take creatine. you don't need it. you are taking steroids man - creatine aint gonna do shit, its not even in the same ballpark, plus you are gonna have to drink WAY WAY more water to prevent dehydration.

Failed at linking, but a good read about creatine and why it is important on cycle
Failed at linking, but a good read about creatine and why it is important on cycle

a good read. maybe ill add creatine to my next cycle, and make a judgement from personal experience. thanks
Creatine while on orals is good. I'd also consider starting the trenazone later so your on cycle for s longer period of time.

Pct looks good. Hella will be lots of fun. Trenazone is iffy but with your doses it will work pretty well.

If u can get a bottle of test it would really help you out bit but that's another story
34 years, 5'11, 175lb, 14%bf

Good day gentlemen and ladies, thank you for your time. Prior cycles include superdrol(way too early and probably bunk or underdosed), Finaflex Andro(+5lb) and Helladrol(+5-10lb). Have been a bit of a gym rat for the last 3 years, but only recently learned how to eat effectively. This will be a clean bulk. Training, diet and support supps are in order. Cycle Assist throughout, Multi, Fish Oil.

Here is the current layout:

Trenazone: 1.5/2/2/2/2/2
Helladrol: 75/75/75/100/100/100
Dermacrine: 0/3/3/3/3/3
Inhibit-P: ?
Erase: ?

Torem: 90/60/30/30
Daa: 3/3/3/3/3/3
Erase: 1/2/3/3/2/1
Inhibit-P: ?
Slin Sane

A few questions:

1. Erase on cycle? I would save the erase for PCT

2. Inhibit-P on cycle? Post cycle? save the inhibit-p for post, or don't use it at all.

3. Aromaisin on hand? don't think you'll need it

4. Bulbine overkill? bulbine is fine in PCT

Any other advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks again for your time.

I think it looks great and I agree you could probably stagger the trenazone with the hdrol if you wanted. you don't have to, but hdrol take a while to kick in (2-3 weeks). You could start the trenazone in week 2 and that way you're on for 8 weeks instead of 6. Gives you a little bit longer to hold on to gains. But I would't ever stretch an oral cycle longer than 8 weeks.
I think it looks great and I agree you could probably stagger the trenazone with the hdrol if you wanted. you don't have to, but hdrol take a while to kick in (2-3 weeks). You could start the trenazone in week 2 and that way you're on for 8 weeks instead of 6. Gives you a little bit longer to hold on to gains. But I would't ever stretch an oral cycle longer than 8 weeks.

Trenazone: 1.5/2/2/2/2/2/2/2

In week 2, going well. Would you change SERM dose or length with this 8 week cycle? Thanks in advance.
I'm sorry, but you got a good number of pretty poor answers right here. Surfing is an underwater sport, that should only become practiced by persons who will be already competent ocean swimmers. Swimming in a puddle is neat, but it's not marine swimming, with undertows, rip tides and sometimes BIG waves. I have seen much pool swimmers get rescued. So, my first tip with how to surf is to be at home in the particular Louis Vuitton Sale ocean. There are way a lot of dangerous people in water now. They are a danger to themselves and other surfers, don't join their standing. I understand that not everybody may be a big wave surfer, but even wiping out and about on small waves can result in a 'hold down', disorientation and possible panic to the who are not at home in the ocean. You will surf in water that may be over your head in depth, and even tethered towards your board with a leash, as a beginer reader, there can be dire consequences. A broken leash plus a strong undertow could leave you with a swim of upwards of 200 yards in heavy surf. Those folks who said it's not necessary to swim well must merely surf in waist strong water. I started surfing around 1966, after years and many years of swiming in the sea and back bays. I was a shore lifeguard and made many rescues, and a few 'recoveries' of the ones who didn't cause it to. I am shocked men and women who claim to be surfers could possibly be so naive as when you consider that ocean swimming isn't the key prerequisite for surfing. To answer your concern directly, you need to discover how to swim well. With lessons, in a pool; that could take anywhere you want to from weeks to several weeks. We don't know your current Louis Vuitton Women athletic ability. After mastering still normal water swimming, you need to spend time playing within the ocean. Body surfing, swimming short distances and gradually learning how you can 'feel' undertows and rips and also cross beach currents. My grand children most of started at about five to six to build up its ocean skills and self-belief. It took them a few years to be safe inside water. A fairly athletic adult will be able to progress much more quickly. Once you are at your home in the surf, start surfing lessons.

I don't swim...;u=416746

I do not swim.
Creatine while on orals is good. I'd also consider starting the trenazone later so your on cycle for s longer period of time.

Pct looks good. Hella will be lots of fun. Trenazone is iffy but with your doses it will work pretty well.

If u can get a bottle of test it would really help you out bit but that's another story

Trenazone: 1.5/2/2/2/2/2/2/2

In week 2, going well. Would you change SERM dose or length with this 8 week cycle? Thanks in advance.
Trenazone: 1.5/2/2/2/2/2/2/2

In week 2, going well. Would you change SERM dose or length with this 8 week cycle? Thanks in advance.

PCT should be a minimum of 4 weeks - however you can make it 6-8 weeks if you'd like - certainly not going to hurt anything - totally your call chief
yea, no one will argue that. one thing EVERYONE should agree on

I will agree that it's not long enough :D

I usually run post cycle therapy (pct) for as long as my cycle was - but that's just me and I like to sufficiently recover and hold on to gains

cycle is only good as your post cycle therapy (pct)!
Interesting! Do you run ancillaries like aegis/cycle support during the pct as well? Or just the test boosters, serm, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), etc.?

I will agree that it's not long enough :D

I usually run PCT for as long as my cycle was - but that's just me and I like to sufficiently recover and hold on to gains

cycle is only good as your PCT!
So u always do 6wk pct"s??

Usually - clomid is always my preferred SERM of choice and I'll run it for at least 6 weeks

Interesting! Do you run ancillaries like aegis/cycle support during the pct as well? Or just the test boosters, serm, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), etc.?

Yes sir! I've even played with the idea of running PCT items during my cycle instead of just waiting until PCT to get started.....granted that would be expensive.