Trenbolone, Winstrol, Clenbuterol cycle with additional GH, and Deca


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Question? I am about to start a Trenbolone, Winstrol, Clenbuterol cycle with additional GH.
However; Winstrol (winny) is extremely hard on my joints. So I was going to ease this with Deca BUT I have read that Deca and Tren together on a cycle are a ‘no no’. Is this true? or is the dose of Deca small enough not to conflict with the Tren.
What size dose should the Deca be for the joint lubrication?

Also a question on diet for this cutting cycle: I was going to do CARB cycling:
2x days very low carbs: post workout meal
1x day med carbs: after cardio and post workout meal
2x days low: post workout meal
2x days high carbs: Carbs with every meal

Question is: will this affect the insulin levels for the GH?

I will be doing 40 min cardio in the morning and my lifting at night as I start work at 5am and fin at 6pm.

Thank you and look forward to your reply.


183 tall
140 kgs
30% BF
Lift heavy: squat 225 kg 6 reps; dead 260 5 reps

6am: Shake post cardio
9am: meal
12pm: meal
3pm: meal
6pm: shake + pre work out supplement+ BCAA
9pm: post work out meal
11pm: BCAA or shake

1x fat burner on waking but only training days
1x Universal ‘Animal pak’ with first meal
2x flax seed oil
2x Joint cartilage
1x pre work out ’Ultra pump NOS’
Post creatine mix

5am: cardio 30 min 5 x per week
Mon: Chest + Tri
Tue: Back + Bi
Wed: Shoulders+ traps
Thursday: Legs + calfs
Fri: Bi + Tri (lighter sessions, more concentration work)
I think this would be a waste. You're spending a great amount of money on gear when your diet is obviously the issue. If you want to lose body fat, diet and cardio are hands down the best.

If you're worried about muscle wasting, well that just comes with the dieting down part but aminos, a small calorie deficient, cardio and patience will keep your lean mass.

Another issue is you didn't mention test? I don't know if that was a mistake but you'll seriously jack yourself up with that cycle you mentioned. I hope you have a better plan or you were just kidding.

If you're set on cycling, I think that you need to look into just a test only cycle, AFTER you check your diet. As far as your joints are concerned, its probably your poor diet and excess weight causing the pain unless you've injured them? If you have injured them I would suggest looking into TB500 to help with recovery.