

New member
My mates been taking trib for 2 weeks, 1000 mg in the morning, 1000mg with dinner and he says hes not noticed any difference, opinions please!
chipy said:
My mates been taking trib for 2 weeks, 1000 mg in the morning, 1000mg with dinner and he says hes not noticed any difference, opinions please!

Functioning as designed.

Don't waste your $$$
chipy said:
My mates been taking trib for 2 weeks, 1000 mg in the morning, 1000mg with dinner and he says hes not noticed any difference, opinions please!

Even if it works for your friend, they say it takes a MINIMUM of 8 weeks to even start to notice results... and honestly, I took it for almost 10 and really saw nothing. However I have heard of it working... but not in a physcially/noticable result. One feedback I did get (that I do believe) is a mate that was on Topical testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (test replace therapy) for low levels. His levels shot up but he didn't like the sides so he stoped & cleared his system and tried Trib... said that about 2 months later his levels were maintaining normally (after a blood) test. Really believes the Trib worked.. but also keep in mind, other then the level increases, he saw no gains in LBM or loss of BF.
adidamps2 said:
"suppose" to help putuitary w/releasing more LH.

There ya go chipy!.. so with that in mind, my take on it isn't wether it works but that if you're body is already producing enough LH to have your testies producing test, Trib will do you absolutely no good. It will not cause your test levels to go above normal or into supranormal like aas.