Trimming waist & lower back!


New member
Hi, I'm a new member. Just turned 30 (arrrgghh) and I'm from Liverpool in the UK. I'm 5' 10" and of stocky/athletic build. Stumbled across this site, searching for training regimes on the Internet. Kinda hopin' to get some help with my current training from some of the guys on here.
I've always been fairly active n fit n always done some kinda exercise from cycling, swimming, to sit-ups and press ups. But I've just recently joined a gym so consider myself a novice to working out/ gym equipment n programs n stuff! Trainer at the gym has put me on a high intensity cardio program combined with medium weight repetition workout to main muscle groups, plus rep's to ab's and reverse sit-ups 3 - 4 days a week.

I'm basically looking to increase metabolism to reduce excess body fat, in the attemt to firm up around the waist as I'm pretty sure there's a six-pack wanting to emerge beneath my cherished love handles (which have crept up on me over the years). lol! Generally, I'm pretty content with my body but just want to trim up waistline without losing muscle mass/tone in chest, shoulders, arms etc etc

Have slight body fat which has slowly over the years decided it wants to stay wi' me. (the result of working in an office), but have decided now it's time to get trimmer n firmer round the waist again!

I'm currently killin myself to get rid of it, but i guess i have to be patient.. only been doin high intensity at Gym for almost a month, but can't help but feel I should be doin' somethin' diffferent to maintain muscle mass. Am I doin the right thing?


What's the best way to firm up around the waist without effecting other parts of body!

What other training do people do on here! Rep's, pyramids, cardio, non-cardio. Would be very interested to read other peoples programs

Any tips on when to eat, what to eat, how much to eat?

Any hints or comments AT ALL would be very very welcome?



P.s. Oh yeah, nutha thing... How do i get an avatar? The 'Use avatar' option in my profile ONLY has the "NO" option. Do i have to wait for a specific amount of posts or sumthin?:confused:


YES! Got me an avatar!
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1)losing weight comes down to diet and cardio bro!!! once u are doing HIIT then u are on the right track as to keep muscle while loosing the fat!!! also once ur diet is in order then the loss of muscle should be limited imho. also u may want to give this some time since it takes awhile to loose the fat the right way, if u lost it all too quickly the muscle loss would be very high!!! also look into ''absolved''/''yohimburn'' but like i said it still all comes down to diet and cardio and these might be best saved when u have those in check and have been dietibg for a while

2)i cycle between 5x5, DFHT, 1,6 principle and conjugated hypertrophy programs. for u however bro HIIT with a good diet and simple split is best.

3)well just stick to protein rich, wholsome, healthy food. there are many who would disagree with me but it is my belief that u cut and bulk with the same food sources, it is just the ratio's and total amounts that change for either purpose therefor just eat cleanly but below maintenance calories and u will lose the wieght. calculate ur lbm and rbm and then all ur macronutrient intake levels daily based on those figueres (protein/calories/fat) make sure thet u are about 500cals below maintenance based on ur stats and u should be fine.
-keep most of ur carbs arond ur wo, take EFA'S,
-eat 6-8x a day to keep metabolism up, drink loads of water (at least 3 liters per day), stay away from refined sugars, and do not shy away from fat. 0 fat diets are crap!!!
-also try and stick to complex carbs and low gi foods as they are best since they help with cravings, and give u a slow time released effect which is quite useful for metabolism, insulinsensetivity, cellular uptake etc etc.
-as for what to eat let me give u some examples: chicken, lean cuts of beef, fish, salmon, ahhh hell let me just give u a good link bro. ahhh found one:
hope i did not do anything wrong with the linking mods and if i did please feel free to edit it out :)
well that is it for my long ass post bro. i hope this helps u and best of luck:)
I agree with jhov. 90% is diet (which would explain why I keep my bf%). Also, you can't spot reduce bodyfat, so you'll lose the abdominal fat in proportion to the rest of the fat on your body.
OK thanks horn and j for the tips. I'll concentrate more on diet as well as killin myself at the gym. tx for the detailed response and link j... wil consider :cool:
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