Triptorelin (GnRH), PCT and kiddy making.



A friend of mine is thinking of coming off after about 2.5 years ON. Him and his wife are trying to get kids and I first recommended just running HCG and see what happens.
I know a few friends who got their girl pregnant with just using HCG, but haven't seen any protocols for this, are there any?

Also was reading on about Triptorelin (GnRH) being used alone as PCT with nothing else, does this really work? I am more oldschool and have always used HCG during and the standard Nolva protocol after without issues.

Any ideas or studies I can read up on for him?
one of the guys i work with used this protocol after a year and 2 month blast and cruise. he found it while researching recovery protocols from year+ cycles. NOw obviously everyone is different but maybe this cant point you in a direction to start looking.

protocol looked like this:
HCG while on at 500iu-1000-iu/wk
HCG Blast 1000iu EOD a couple weeks before the esters cleared.
After ester clear pin Trip (GnRH) at 100mcg.
1 week later begin 6 week pct and adjust as needed. (Clomid at 100/100/50/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/40/40/20/20)

Im not saying one way or another whether I agree entirely with his protocol. HE found it online and made a few adjustments. However I will share that he made an outstanding recovery. Call it what you want, genetics, age, etc. But he's doing well and they have baby #2 on the way. Another point of note would be that they were unable to conceive a child for a over a month after completing pct. I hope you find something useful. Maybe search a little bit about recovery from long term suppression etc. I will say though, there are no magic protocols that will fix EVERYONE. And there are definitely no guarantees in this business. Best of luck. Let me know if you have any questions about HIS experience Ill ask him.
Here is a study. Am I missing something on why someone would want to use Triptorelin?

Triptorelin 6-month formulation in the management of patients with ... - PubMed - NCBI

In the intent-to-treat population, 97.5% (95% CI 92.9, 99.5) of patients achieved castrate serum testosterone levels by day 29, and 93.0% (95% CI 86.8, 97.0) maintained castration at months 2-12. After the second injection, 98.3% of patients showed absence of LH stimulation. The most frequent drug-related adverse events were hot flushes (71.7% of patients).
over stimulation is certainly a concern. As well and desensitization. And chemical castration being worse case scenario. Cant find it right now but there was athread here I read a long time ago and DET-OAK helped shed some light on this one.

I do have a few excerpts I had copy/pasted back then that are still saved in my email. Don't want to clog up your thread OP but I would certainly paste up in here for reviewing. Let me know.
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Everything that can help him would gladly be read.

I usually just do the standard nolva PCT 40mg ed 14 days and 20 mg 14 days without issues. I am now aiming internationally so I won't be coming off anytime soon lol

He is running hcg and last shot of test today, will run hcg up until PCT starts and then just do the nolva? Primary goal is getting his wife pregnant then I guess he'll be back on shortly lol
Everything that can help him would gladly be read.

I usually just do the standard nolva PCT 40mg ed 14 days and 20 mg 14 days without issues. I am now aiming internationally so I won't be coming off anytime soon lol

He is running hcg and last shot of test today, will run hcg up until PCT starts and then just do the nolva? Primary goal is getting his wife pregnant then I guess he'll be back on shortly lol

Why not do the standard Nolva + Clomid PCT?

Why doesn't your friend come here and post himself?
An well timed and accurately dosed application of both hcg and gnrh coupled with a thorough pct of BOTH clomid and nolvadex should have that baby batter back in action buddy.

Also I don't post links to other forums but check out hackskii's pct protocol in a Google search. I don't agree with EVERYTHING but a good read nonetheless.
Megatron: Well he barely knows any english and its easier for me as i am from the UK.

Nightraidsonly: thanks! This is what I was reading on GnRh too! I just have a hard time trusting anything new, he's has been on well over 2 years now.

Wouldn't the nolva help recovery and keeping the estrogen down while his body restarts? I haven't found any studies where any other PCT drug was used along eith GnRh, would be really interesting to read more about it.
Why not just take the hCG while cruising? That usually works for most guys. And like I said, I'd that doesn't work there is always hMG. Then he wouldn't have to come off and try a restart. It would be easy enough to test his sperm count to see if it is working