TRT and test/epitestosterone


New member
How much would someone's test/epitest ratios be thrown off by a TRT dose of 200mg/wk, and how long would it take to normalize after discontinuing? Also, does other compounds like nandrolone affect the ratio, or just extraneous test?

The reason I ask is that if someone prefers not to disclose their private health information and just show a normal test/epitest ratio, what is the best way to accomplish that?

Also, would discontinuing TRT and taking HCG normalize test/epitest ratios since your body makes both in equal amounts? I understand that it would raise your total T, but it would notmalize the ratio somewhat, and HCG clears your body quickly.
Yes, I know a lot about the half lives of various compounds.

I'm asking about epitestosterone and achieving a 1:1 ratio on any test test while taking TRT.
How much would someone's test/epitest ratios be thrown off by a TRT dose of 200mg/wk, and how long would it take to normalize after discontinuing? Also, does other compounds like nandrolone affect the ratio, or just extraneous test?

The reason I ask is that if someone prefers not to disclose their private health information and just show a normal test/epitest ratio, what is the best way to accomplish that?

Also, would discontinuing TRT and taking HCG normalize test/epitest ratios since your body makes both in equal amounts? I understand that it would raise your total T, but it would notmalize the ratio somewhat, and HCG clears your body quickly.

200 mg/wk of exogenous testosterone will skew your epitestosterone ratio 100%, meaning you'd be on 100% man made and be making 0% yourself. If you were tested according to that screening you'd pop hot every time. Nandrolone won't impact that, but has it's own metabolites that stick around for over a year, so you'd pop hot on that as well on any basic AAS screen.

Normalizing after discontinuing would only be possible in the context of natural production recovery. Your natural test will recover in 12 weeks if you have a good and successful PCT. The exogenous test will bleed down to undetectable in probably five or six half lives.
Interesting article:

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