Trt or 1st cycle, or both, all help appreciated


New member
So, I'm not sure if this is classed as a first time cycle question or a trt question.

I'm 36, 6'2, 230, about 18% bf. Bench 315, squat 405 and deadlift 502. I've never used steroids to this point.

I've had bloods and have low t, approx 350 ng/dl, but can't get trt (am in UK, so nhs won't fund, I think partially that the drs assume I've used aas over the years) so am planning on buying and self medicating trt. I'm married, have a kid, no vasectomy. No real interest in having another child, but not against it, so the fertility issue attached to trt is of no consequence to me.

Come the time, I'll most likely run test c at between 150-200mg a week, taking 2 shots of 75-100mg a time. I'll use adex If needed, unsure about hcg as testicular atrophy doesn't bother me and I'll only do it if I feel I need it.

I do want to run at least a couple of cycles. Nothing flashy. Test, dbol at first, 12 weeks maybe. Add in some tren/eq for the next cycle etc.

My big query is this. Should I...

A/ run a cycle, run pct, come off and repeat after a fee months natural, then after a couple of years when I no longer want to cycle go on trt

B/ run a cycle (blast) and run trt (c***se) in between

C/ start try for a length of time (6 months to settle in) then blast and c***se as per point B).

I fully understand trt is, to all intents and purposes, a lifelong thing, and have no doubt that I will do this by 40 at the latest, due to low (but just in range) t levels. But I do want to run a couple cycles to see what happens.

Any advice is appreciated.
what is your E2 and tt level? hcg would be good to keep your own test levels where they should be and stay away from tren as its only for very advance users.
what is your E2 and tt level? hcg would be good to keep your own test levels where they should be and stay away from tren as its only for very advance users.

Welcome to the board :wavey: .. Listen to what Milton just told you. Stay away from Tren . YOU are not in any way ready, and no offense meant. Your lifts are good but really don't mean much except to say you are an experienced weight lifter.

With that in mind read the stickys back where you came in to post. Get some real knowledge under your belt but Tren will and should be not considered for a while.

Good luck, you came to right forum for good experience members ready to help...that's what we do here.
Have you done more than one blood test to verify your level is 350. One test at 350 does not mean you're hypogonadal.

I think you have answered a lot of your own questions. You need to keep doing comprehensive bloodwork to know where you're at and where you're going.

At this point, I would do your cycle, and then do proper PCT and see where your levels are at. As you stated TRT is for life. I think you're jumping the gun by wanting to jump into it without more information at this point.

Get another blood panel done before you start, and correlate that to your past bloodwork and your future bloodwork. Good luck!
If you plan on running cycles and doing it properly then TRT would not be beneficial for you at the moment. Revisit down the road when you are ready to c***se. I think many people believe TRT is a means to bodybuilding, cosmetics etc. When really it is just to supplement difficient T levels. If you are blasting then your T levels surely will not be deficient. Just make sure to do proper PCT and do not screw up your hpta function which is very common.

Dr. B
Please be sure to get back to us here and keep us posted brother, like to see what your levels are at for sure.