TRT patient to be (hopefully)


New member
Hey all, I haven't been on the forum in quiet some time. I was here last a year and a half ago asking about TRT. I had all the symptoms of low T and blood work proved it was indeed low T, with total test levels ranging from 300-355. However the 2 endocrinologist I saw were both against treating me, I'm not sure if it were due to my age (now 26) or if they believed my levels weren't low enough to treat. Well I became discouraged and frustrated and dismissed everything, accepting that this is now who I am and how I feel. Now here we are today, a year and a half later, and I have been feeling like crap. I am recently engaged, and my libido is causing issues, and my fiancé doesn't understand how I am never in the mood, and how she cant turn me on. I decided to go get my levels rechecked, and they are now lower than before, which is at 221. I have been searching for a good endo in my area and preferably one that is male. I cannot seem to find a male within 30 miles of my home! I am having a hard time finding any endo who has openings available within the next 2 months. It seems I will end up choosing to go to the first available office I can get in. However I am worried that seeing a female doctor, they will not fully understand how I am feeling, therefor may not treat me accordingly. I am well aware they are trained professionals, but most seem to have a better understanding of thyroid disorders and diabetes rather than hypongonadism. Any advice guys? I want to feel like myself again
Hey all, I haven't been on the forum in quiet some time. I was here last a year and a half ago asking about TRT. I had all the symptoms of low T and blood work proved it was indeed low T, with total test levels ranging from 300-355. However the 2 endocrinologist I saw were both against treating me, I'm not sure if it were due to my age (now 26) or if they believed my levels weren't low enough to treat. Well I became discouraged and frustrated and dismissed everything, accepting that this is now who I am and how I feel. Now here we are today, a year and a half later, and I have been feeling like crap. I am recently engaged, and my libido is causing issues, and my fiancé doesn't understand how I am never in the mood, and how she cant turn me on. I decided to go get my levels rechecked, and they are now lower than before, which is at 221. I have been searching for a good endo in my area and preferably one that is male. I cannot seem to find a male within 30 miles of my home! I am having a hard time finding any endo who has openings available within the next 2 months. It seems I will end up choosing to go to the first available office I can get in. However I am worried that seeing a female doctor, they will not fully understand how I am feeling, therefor may not treat me accordingly. I am well aware they are trained professionals, but most seem to have a better understanding of thyroid disorders and diabetes rather than hypongonadism. Any advice guys? I want to feel like myself again

You sound like me 2 years ago I was 28 and had the same issues that caused a lot of problems with my relationship. I can tell you male or female wont matter for some reason they hate putting ppl on TRt. The only advice I can give you is too keep trying it took me 4 Drs. before one finally gave in and treated me for TRT (thank god) and my main Dr. hates that I am on it but thankfully realizes that I cant function without it. also have you tried bringing them information on it I have found that most Drs. have no clue when it comes to TRT and the more you can inform them or lead them to seeing it your way the better good luck.
Agreed with above, you just have to keep searching sometimes until you find someone willing to treat you. At 221ng/dl you should realistically have an easy time. Definition of hypo is <300ng/dl so there is no denying (by any textbook/opinion) that you need treatment.

You should also try GP's. You don't necessarily need an endo to treat you. My current GP is awesome, I had to go through about five or six docs to find him though. Can't tell you had glad I am that I didn't give up.
Id make a bunch of appointments with endos, and urologists. If one comes though for you cancel the others. If you can get into an anti-aging clinic you might be able to get a script there. I found a pretty open minded GP in my area. Also, most insurance wont cover the cyp or ena - they want a person to try gels first. But insist on the injections, say its cuz of the cost. the cyp or ena is cheap, pay with cash, and make sure the pharmacist knows you wont be using insurance.
Id make a bunch of appointments with endos, and urologists. If one comes though for you cancel the others. If you can get into an anti-aging clinic you might be able to get a script there. I found a pretty open minded GP in my area. Also, most insurance wont cover the cyp or ena - they want a person to try gels first. But insist on the injections, say its cuz of the cost. the cyp or ena is cheap, pay with cash, and make sure the pharmacist knows you wont be using insurance.

A better excuse is to say you have pets, women and/or children in the house and you are worried about risk of transfer to them.
Thanks for the replies guys... I definitely will be patient and wait for the right doc to come along, what other choice is there I suppose. And I definitely want to opt for injections rather than gels or deodorant. From all I've read it's far more effective and consistent for maintaining levels. i still don't have an appointment with an endo so I'm thinking of trying other general practitioners like was suggested . My GP said I clearly need to be treated With TRT and when I asked why he's referring me to a endo rather than prescribing me he said they are much more educated in the area than he was -_-
Thanks for the replies guys... I definitely will be patient and wait for the right doc to come along, what other choice is there I suppose. And I definitely want to opt for injections rather than gels or deodorant. From all I've read it's far more effective and consistent for maintaining levels. i still don't have an appointment with an endo so I'm thinking of trying other general practitioners like was suggested . My GP said I clearly need to be treated With TRT and when I asked why he's referring me to a endo rather than prescribing me he said they are much more educated in the area than he was -_-

good to hear, it will all work out you'll see.
I also got tired of dealing with being sent to numerous gp doctors, urologists and endo dr's. I tried a trt clinic and started on trt. I pay a monthly fee that includes all my labs and meds. funny thing is it was more expensive for me when I was on androgel paying to copay for the meds and labs through insurance than it is now through the trt clinic. no more androgel either! I have blue cross insurance that cost me dearly and they only cover a percentage of labs and androgel that barely helped my test numbers too! just my thoughts! good luck though..
Hello all,
So I have an apt with a new doc on this coming Monday. I found his name online on a thread about TRT in my area and it sounds he is very believing in TRT treatment. From what I've read he prescribes TRT easily but has refused to prescribe HCG and an AI regardless of what the patients concerns are (fertility and estro) also he is a strong believer in 1 shot per 14 days however if prescribed and allowed to self medicate I would use the appropriate dosing at once every 5 days or so, cutting the mg accordingly. That being said, I've also been reading a lot that TRT hasn't been effective restoring guys libido which he me concerned, because mine has been completely shut off for some time now.. I'm desperate for it to come back ... Should I be hesitant to accept treatment from this doc if he wants to prescribe TRT without HCG? I am 26 and have no kids , and although it is not something I want in my near future, but by early 30s that will change. Is HCG something must used until then? Or can I stop TRT when "trying" and than use HCG
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So today was my appointment, and I got prescribed. Just as my previous post said and as I was warned, this doctor is totally against the use of HCG. Being young and not yet a father, this concerns me, but my doctor insists that seizing TRT when wanting to conceive a child will bring my sperm count back to whatever it was prior to TRT. Also, he insists on me coming in every 6 weeks and that my protocol be 400 mg every 14 days. I kept suggesting 200 every 7 instead but it only frustrated him when I questioned him. He claims not one of his patients has ever complained about highs and lows from dosing every 14 days, and that the 400 mg high dose will keep me feeling good up to the next pin. So today was my first injection.
Good news is you got your script. More good news is that you got plenty of test. Did he give you the 6 month script? If the script is 6months then you have a little flexibility, then when you come in you can say oh yeah i shot up 7 days ago or whatever. There are a lot of resources on how to dial in the right dosage.

I started out with 200 and i felt like crap, since ive been doing 50 every 3.5days i feel a LOT better.

As for the HCG find a few legit studies and print them out and bring them with you on your visit. Be polite and act concerned. You are not gonna get anywhere arguing with a doc. So you get 1 round with him - any more your just beating a dead horse. If it dont work your gonna have to find a better doc/urologist/endo.

For what its worth I cannot talk to anyone about Hypogonadalsm. There is so much misinformation about it out there even my friends freak out when I brought it and TRT up. Even my nurse/medical-field friends dont get it. When/if you set up other appointments just say its for a second opinion.
So my script is for 2,000 mg of test Cyp which is 5 doses if using his protocol. Originally he wanted me to do injections in office every time, but I traveled about an hour to get to him so we agreed on every 6 weeks I will return in office to do a shot, or every 3rd shot is in office.. Which causes the dilemma if I wanted to inject once a week instead and I go to him and he wants to give me 400 mg in office. This doc didn't seem to care about any HCG related studies I spoke of and claims all studies show 8-12 weeks of coming off of TRT and your regular sperm count will be back without the use of any other drugs, therefor no other drugs are necessary.
You sound like me 2 years ago I was 28 and had the same issues that caused a lot of problems with my relationship. I can tell you male or female wont matter for some reason they hate putting ppl on TRt. The only advice I can give you is too keep trying it took me 4 Drs. before one finally gave in and treated me for TRT (thank god) and my main Dr. hates that I am on it but thankfully realizes that I cant function without it. also have you tried bringing them information on it I have found that most Drs. have no clue when it comes to TRT and the more you can inform them or lead them to seeing it your way the better good luck.

I think they are jealous because of we have high testosterone lol.
So my first shot was Monday at 300 mg.. And my next shot will be 2 weeks from than but at 400 mg.... Both nights since my first shot I have had insomnia and very poor sleep, anybody experience this before? Or can it be coincidence ?
jice - I really don't like your doctor, but what he's doing is better than nothing.

WEEKLY INJECTIONS: he's doing this so that he can charge a 'primary care' appointment to your insurance every time you come in. There's other 'institutions' that do this, which is funny because the DEA strongly advises that patients take their testosterone home, rather than keep it stored with a doctor.

HCG: he's not prescribing HCG because of recent reports that it causes cancer. However, studies show that HCG, when given without anastrozole, could spike estrogen levels (since extra testosterone will convert into estrogen) and overly high estrogen CAN cause cancer.

So much I want to say, but I'll try to be brief.....

Bi-weekly injections will cause more shocks to your system than relief and could create spikes in DHT. Have you been prescribed anastrozole, or some kind of estrogen blocker? This is critical.

At 26, you also should honestly not have a testosterone issue. Have you gotten your thyroid and adrenal glands checked?

For thyroid, the tests are: TSH, Free T3 and Free T4.

For Adrenal Glands, lacking DHEA is a big sign of adrenal fatigue, with Cortisol and B12 levels being other signs.

My personal advice:

1. Drop this doctor.

2. At 26, consider lifestyle changes - start eating right - green veggies, grassfed/wild meat, etc.

3. Exercise.

4. Multivitamins - take a kickass multivitamin that will treat your thyroid and adrenals - Designs for Health's Multivitamin is $50 a month, but incredible! Highly recommend it.

5. Donate Blood - you might have too many red blood cells, which is contributing to erectile dysfunction.

6. Mental Health - you could have a mental health issue also contributing to your ED.

Overall - I think you have an adrenal/thyroid issue, which is not allowing you to produce enough testosterone. Fix that and wait to inject testosterone until your 30's.

Good luck!
a few more things -

1. At 26, you have to inject HCG with testosterone - otherwise, you're killing your nuts and won't have any fertility for kids. Seriously, your nuts will shrivel.

2. While you get your diet, fitness, and mental health right, take Viagra for your ED issues (for now). Also, talk to your girl about and tell her there's a health issue - it will reduce anxiety for you and allow her to be proactive in your care. Your girl loves you - don't hide your struggle from her :)
a few more things -

1. At 26, you have to inject HCG with testosterone - otherwise, you're killing your nuts and won't have any fertility for kids. Seriously, your nuts will shrivel.

2. While you get your diet, fitness, and mental health right, take Viagra for your ED issues (for now). Also, talk to your girl about and tell her there's a health issue - it will reduce anxiety for you and allow her to be proactive in your care. Your girl loves you - don't hide your struggle from her :)

Hey thanks for the reply Dino.. Unfortunatey I was dumb and made mistakes in the past.. From 21-24 I ran 5 pro hormone cycles and the last 3 I could tell I wasn't recovering well during PCT. I always included a SERM but am guessing my source was bunk ? Anyways I believe these are the consequences I am suffering due to not cycling properly in the past. my FSH was normal on bloods I don't recall if they tested free t3. I have been reading and learning about TRT for a while now and when I spoke to the doctor who recently prescribed me a lot of which I learned here on the boards and what he said didn't agree with one another. He seems to be very against weekly saying it's totally uneccesary but I know he is wrong about that. I do have my prescription at home but I am supposed to do every 3rd shot in office, which gives me the dilemma that if decide to do weekly shots on my own, that he will be expecting to do a large dose (400mg) shot in office ... Not sure how to get around this or if I should just try it his way for a while..

I also argued for HCG pretty hard and he was dead against it claiming I will make a full recovery (as far as sperm count) but seizing TRT for 8-12 weeks. Will HCG be effective if only used when I am ready to try to have a child ?
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You're young, sooooo....... introducing HCG should help restart your testes. But that said, I would argue that you're playing with fire, by injecting this much test without HCG.

I would also do as many weekly injections as you can.

Understood on your past use, but at 26, your body does still have self-recovery methods - a lot of those fade in your 30's, but again, I'm a fan of what lifestyle changes could do you for body. My best of luck to you and I hope this works out.
Merry Christmas ! Got my first dose on Monday... Haven't been able to get a good night sleep since . Not sure what it is but no matter how tired I feel at the end of the day I can't pass out