TRT with 20 years - cautious about hcg/hmg

I think I created some confusion.

I took Propecia ( Finasterid 1mg) and got erectile dysfunction. I stopped Propecia two years ago but the sides continued. My balls shrunk, my sperm volume is minimal and I cannot achieve an errection ( even not with PDE-5 inhibitors nor caverject as it turned out). The doctor I went to gave me a caverject injection to see what happens in my penis.

First thing to happen that more blood flows out of the penis than into it ( similiar to a venous leak , but treatable.) The second thing is that fibrosis occured and I developed some plaques in the penis.

It is proven that supra-physiological testosterone values and a good bloodflow can reverse penile fibrosis ( just google this, easy to find.) Second problem is the blood out/in problem - therefore I have to train with the vacuum pump . Third problem are my shrunk balls and my low sperm volume ( due to post-finasteride-syndrom).

hmg is given to see if sperm production goes up again.( and volume as well.)

I hope I cleared some points.

I am here just to ask if the testosterone protocol he is willing to do seems appropiate.

In fact the aim is to get slight supraphysiological serum levels of testosterone while getting my balls to get bigger again and to get my sperm volume up.

Seems this protocol to make sense regarding this ?

I haven't researched it, but sounds like this isn't as out there as I (ignorantly) thought. Sorry about that.

My other thoughts are that

a) 1000 Nebido / 4weeks will probably put you supraphysiological, but probably only slightly.
b) I would personally want to accelerate the therapy by at least starting with a shorter ester (propionate, etc) - sounds like its a degenerative issue where the chances of reversal are better the earlier it is begun.
I agree with mprtz. 250mg of testosterone a week is essentially a replacement dose. You need to at least double this. And I totally agree on using a faster acting ester. Nebido takes months to kick in. I am pretty sure that Test E is approved for use in Europe.

Do you have current blood work? It would help to see what your hormone levels are currently at. If you don't have them, you will really want them for after your treatment to be able to see if you have recovered fully.

Have you discussed what you will take once you are done with the nebido and HCG? You don't want to just stop. You need an HPTA restart protocol.
A restart would be recommended as previously stated by Megatron.

To answer about leydig cell desensitization 4.5kiu/week isn't that high of a dose compared to 5k iu/day like many studies are based on so it would cause desensitization per say but definately downregulate the leydig cells.