Trying to formulate Sustanon (sust) need some input ???


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Trying to formulate sust need some input ???

Im in the process of working up a good sustanon formulation. Does anyone have any insight into how much BA and BB I should use to keep the formulation from craching. I would greatly appreciate it

thank you

The ratios used for Sustanon certainly aren't optimal.

Anyway, make the shit up separately and then combine it if you want.
I use 2%BA and 20%BB for most of my homebrews and it's never done me wrong. However, I've never made or used sustanon.
mranak said:
The ratios used for Sustanon certainly aren't optimal.

Anyway, make the shit up separately and then combine it if you want.

I like that idea Im def going to try it.
I made 50 ml this past weekend i think I use too little bb becuase it crashed. I only used like 5% bb though so that might be the reason. How much BB BA would you think i should use for each ester im formulating in the standard conc you see with 250. Prop 30mg,pheny 60 mg ,capro 60, decanate 100 mg ..