Trying to get some insight on my plans.


New member
Hey folks I have been on TRT for about 1yr and plan on adding to the current schedule to do a cycle.

I have been injecting test cyp 250/ml @1ml once a week. Basically my Total test # went from 270 to the upper bracket of 1100-1200 with this schedule and lab testing.

I have purchased everything to hombrew my own test cyp, and have armidex and nolvadex on hand.

My question is what would be a good schedule for somebody like me to supplement what I am already doing?

I guess the PCT is non existent because I actually never come off of test, but want to know more on what to do to taper back and block sides if they appear.

Currently the only sides I have are a little increased backne from the test im taking.

Thanks for reading all of this.
Just try doubling your test dose for about 12-14 weeks. Tricky part is figuring out how much AI you need. It isn't a linear equation unfortunately. You can assume that doubling your current AI dose will work. Many guys start with .25mg of adex EOD.

When done just go back to your TRT dose. No need to taper. No need to do PCT.
I agreed with Megatron with doubling your test dose.

You could also maintain your current TRT dose and try a different compound such as NPP or EQ.
Thanks megatron. So basically run 1ml every 3.5 So Sunday night/wed night/Sat night/Tues night/Friday night/Mon night Etc...

So what are signs of too much/too little arimidex? I am guessing too little results in gyno sides right?
An example of every 3.5 days would be Saturday morning and Tuesday evening.

Best way to tell if your Estradiol is high or low is by getting blood work. Unfortunately, a lot of the symptoms of low E2 are the same as high E2. There is no substitute for blood work.
I agreed with Megatron with doubling your test dose.

You could also maintain your current TRT dose and try a different compound such as NPP or EQ.

I also have bold cyp in a smaller amt.

An example of every 3.5 days would be Saturday morning and Tuesday evening.

Best way to tell if your Estradiol is high or low is by getting blood work. Unfortunately, a lot of the symptoms of low E2 are the same as high E2. There is no substitute for blood work.

Ok yeah it looks like I will need to get some labs drawn mid cycle then. I work in the medical field and might be able to swing a lab order, but is there a place that does them independently that your recommend.? I would like to keep tabs on things, but don't want to raise eyebrows with my workers or insurance.
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Yeah I have always heard to do each type on an individual basis prior to stacking. Well once my supplies get in, im gonna brew it up and go for it. I see what DR. house is saying on just sticking to TRT dose and adding a different type.

Another question. A lot of people talk about injection pain, but I have not found much with medical grade test cyp. Is this because of the Ba/BB in the homebrew mix or is it due to bad filtration you think?
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