Trying to put together my first sarm stack


New member
What's up guys, I have been researching sarms for over a year and now I'm ready yo try my first stack?
Which is the better stack for the best and most bulk, LGD 4033 with MK 677 or LDG with Ostarine MK 2866?
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What's up guys, I have been researching sarms for over a year, can't tell you howevmsny times I decided to give it a shot but pulled back.I almost bought so called sarms from*********No Source talk********
Which is the better stack for the best and most bulk, LGD 4033 with MK 677 or LDG with Ostarine MK 2866?
*********No Source talk********?

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MK677 is a long term use item - it basically is like injecting HGH for all intents and purposes. For your short term use, I would do the LGD and Osta. Make sure to do a PCT afterwards as LGD WILL fully suppress you. I would also add GW50 to boost your endurance. When your test levels drop due to suppression, you will lose endurance, so you can counter it with GW50.