Tuna and Mercury and ME

OC Cartel

New member
i eat 2-4 cans of chunklight tuna a day...........6-7x a week.....

is there any need to worry about mercury poisoning? if so....what are some effects of it when at high levels in body.....

thanks in advance
7. What if I eat more than the recommended amount of fish and shellfish in a week?

One week's consumption of fish does not change the level of methylmercury in the body much at all. If you eat a lot of fish one week, you can cut back for the next week or two. Just make sure you average the recommended amount per week.
^ yea but what's the "average"
we/me are most likely consuming more than average amounts of fish/tuna and PROTEIN.....so you relaly can't go by "average" reccomendations right?

i just dont wanna die or become impotent
I eat a can everyday though the week.

Been doing it for like 5-6 years. Haven't gone insaine yet.
Yeah I just go 1 can a day, maybe 2 if I have trouble finding something good to eat later. I've never been worried but at 4 cans a day I would be more concerned.
Trout seems to be very low according to that list. Think I will have to go all out ice fishing this weekend and stock up on that.
Why is it that higher mercury levels are more common with salt water fish as opposed to fresh water?

Where I grew up, we had a problem with pike(freshwater) having high amounts of mercury, but it was due the lake and enviroment they were from. So is it safe to say that tuna from some waters contain more higher mercury levels?