You guys must be some tuna-heads .... i don't think i'd risk getting Mercury poisoning for a tuna-fish sandwitch. Now ham though... that's something to die for..
Why is it that higher mercury levels are more common with salt water fish as opposed to fresh water?
Where I grew up, we had a problem with pike(freshwater) having high amounts of mercury, but it was due the lake and enviroment they were from. So is it safe to say that tuna from some waters contain more higher mercury levels?
Because organic mercury is accumulative and the salt water food chain is long.
ie. bait fish eat plankton, mackeral eat baitfish, swordfish/tune eat mackeral. If you eat a lot of tuna and your concerned, next time you get a blood test get the merc levels tested too.
it will say on the can "albacore" which is the best tasting but the most mercury over yellowfin and skipjack.
But again, if you eat it consistantly week after week ,year after just get tested. All my fishing buddies eat a ton of it and got tested with normal results.
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