Turinabol assistance regarding my body


New member

I know this might be annoying or frustrating question to members of this forums that sre there for quite some time but I would really need and I would appreciate your help.

Information about me: 60kg, 175cm, turning 17 in October.

I have been advised by a friend to try Turinabol (Hilma Biocare / Balkan phArma / kenwoo).
I was searching over google and saw the side effects are almost non existent.
What would you suggest me regarding my body and the "steroid"?
Thank you!
You will soon be banned by Milton for being under 18.

You absolutely should not monkey around with your endocrine system before about age 25. Trust this advice, bad things can happen that can impact your testosterone production, sexual performance, libido, etc. for decades to come.

You will do much better and set yourself up for lifelong success if you can learn how to work out and how to eat.
I agree with Tankmanbob, when Milton sees this, you are Gone.
You can't be a member, if you are Under 18 years old.

By the way, your Friend is either a Complete Idiot, or He's Not really your Friend.

Doing any AAS at your age, could Sentence you to being a Life-Long Patient of TRT.
Test Replacement Therapy ~ cause you Damaged your Endocrine System by doing AAS while the Body is still Growing.

Your Natural Test won't Peak till you are 25 years old.
So get a Good Diet and Training Regiment, and after you've built a Base for the next 8 years.
You'll be ready to Cycle.......................................... JP
For the love of hummanity! you are 16 years old son! stay away from gear for ten years at least. You are going to do long term damage to yourself and lower the odds of you ever having your own kids or even getting a hard on without meds and tons of health issues since you stopped your own growth process at age 16.
Your body and organs needs to grow to their full mature intended design at age 26 but if you do steroids before this you will not fullfill the total measure of your growth, that includes your brain kid, your IQ will be low and youll probably end up pumping gas at a gas station for the rest of your life.

When i was your age my only concern was hidding an old Playboy magazine under my bed and hoping mom didnt find it.
My how times have changed...
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For the love of hummanity! you are 16 years old son! stay away from gear for ten years at least. You are going to do long term damage to yourself and lower the odds of you ever having your own kids or even getting a hard on without meds and tons of health issues since you stopped your own growth process at age 16.
Your body and organs needs to grow to their full mature intended design at age 26 but if you do steroids before this you will not fullfill the total measure of your growth, that includes your brain kid, your IQ will be low and youll probably end up pumping gas at a gas station for the rest of your life.

When i was your age my only concern was hidding an old Playboy magazine under my bed and hoping mom didnt find it.
My how times have changed...

heck when i was 16 years old, just gettin my hands on 1 or 2 beers and i felt like a big man. Now kids want to mess with hormones and all the sides thereof. all just to look desirable.
man if i was 16 id rather drink some beers and feel like a big guy and deal with the hangover than taking some hormones to actually make me look big and deal with ill sides and long term reporcussions. (your mom wont be too happy with you either, with your bad acne, bitch tits, hair falling, whinny attitude, depressions, water bloating). The bright side to high E2 and high prolactin is that you will be able to sit down with good ol mom and watch Oprah together, and cry together....

there is no magic pill that will do what you want without putting in the effort. and at your age you still have your whole future ahead of you, lots of girls flowers to pluck at your age, but if you mess with gear and mess up, forget about ever having sex with those girls as you will be known as Noodle dick.
its your life mate, good luck.
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Please stay away from any and all exogenous hormones. Side effects of ALL STEROIDS are pretty bad........and at your age the sides effects are far worse. Study up on nutrition and proper lifting techniques for muscle growth. At your age you can accomplish absolutely amazing things naturally. If you can't make huge gains naturally at your age then you are doing something bad wrong and steroids WILL fuck that up even worse. Eat clean and eat a lot. Get at least an hour in the gym lifting heavy every single day. Your body will respond. As I said....if it doesnt then you are doing something very wrong and you need to find out what that is and fix it.
Spend the next 10 years training, eating, and maximizing your natural growth. In that 10 years you will learn your body and how it responds to food and to different exercise routines. You will know how to manipulate your nutrition to fit your workout. At that point you begin to experiment with steroids. If you ignore this advice and the advice above then you WILL negatively effect your natural hormone levels. This is unavoidable. If you could play with steroids at your age and get away with it then I would tell you how to do it.......but you can't.
As men, our testosterone levels play a HUGE role in who we are. They help us develop in our youth and they help us maintain that development in later years. Testosterone makes a man want to accomplish things in life. Makes a man want to chase women, money, happiness, and all manners of success. Play with your natural production when you're young and you WILL change the man you were going to be.

I'll stop rambling now. Just please stay away from anything that will impact your testosterone production. HUGE mistake at your age. Trust me

Good luck bro

I know this might be annoying or frustrating question to members of this forums that sre there for quite some time but I would really need and I would appreciate your help.

Information about me: 60kg, 175cm, turning 17 in October.

I have been advised by a friend to try Turinabol (Hilma Biocare / Balkan phArma / kenwoo).
I was searching over google and saw the side effects are almost non existent.
What would you suggest me regarding my body and the "steroid"?
Thank you!

low sides for an adult finished development maybe, that is not the same for someone under 25... any aas can mess up and stop development, and thats for LIFE.... and that why i rec no aas under age 25.
and your friend is an idiot...