I'm 23(almost 24), been hitting the gym on and off since i was 14, but my last 4-5 years I've been pretty serious about it, and in the last 2-3 years i can pretty much say i have my diet on point.
I work out 5 days per week, just finished a clean bulking phase and am looking forward to getting ripped. Why? not for the ladies, not for any contest, just for me. I enjoy sculpting my body.
So, why would i opt for an oral tbol cycle and not for the usual test, as a beginner? Well, I suffer from male pattern baldness, and I would like to keep my hair for at least 10-15 years more.(I am using minoxidil and will start using nizoral shampoo pretty soon i think). I know I could try finasteride, and opt for test or other aas, but I'm more scarred about the finasteride sideeffects than the side effects from the anabolics.
So, getting that info out of the way, here's what i'm planning to do:
1 40 mg/day
2 50 mg/day
3 50 mg/day
4 60 mg/day
5 70 mg/day
6 60 mg/day
The numbers above were advised by a friend who is a competitive bodybuilder(pretty high ranked in Europe), but I would like a review if those numbers are ok, and if you think the cycle should be a little bit longer?At least from my searching i have found out that most people use it for about 8 weeks.
Ok,next topic
Week 1 20 milligrams daily
Week 2 20 milligrams daily
Week 3 10 milligrams daily
Week 4 10 milligrams daily
I think this should be ok, as a PCT, but would also like a review on it.
I will also be taking something to protect the liver(even tho, tbol is not so toxic) and also some taurine for the problem with the pumps.
I work out 5 days per week, just finished a clean bulking phase and am looking forward to getting ripped. Why? not for the ladies, not for any contest, just for me. I enjoy sculpting my body.
So, why would i opt for an oral tbol cycle and not for the usual test, as a beginner? Well, I suffer from male pattern baldness, and I would like to keep my hair for at least 10-15 years more.(I am using minoxidil and will start using nizoral shampoo pretty soon i think). I know I could try finasteride, and opt for test or other aas, but I'm more scarred about the finasteride sideeffects than the side effects from the anabolics.
So, getting that info out of the way, here's what i'm planning to do:
1 40 mg/day
2 50 mg/day
3 50 mg/day
4 60 mg/day
5 70 mg/day
6 60 mg/day
The numbers above were advised by a friend who is a competitive bodybuilder(pretty high ranked in Europe), but I would like a review if those numbers are ok, and if you think the cycle should be a little bit longer?At least from my searching i have found out that most people use it for about 8 weeks.
Ok,next topic

Week 1 20 milligrams daily
Week 2 20 milligrams daily
Week 3 10 milligrams daily
Week 4 10 milligrams daily
I think this should be ok, as a PCT, but would also like a review on it.
I will also be taking something to protect the liver(even tho, tbol is not so toxic) and also some taurine for the problem with the pumps.