

Iron Man
does anyone use this product.. do u feel its better or worse than products such as . flax seed oil or cod liver oil?
I use Udo's choice every day. It has a great balance of omega's and essential fatty acids. It also contains some medium chain tryglicerides which are great to take prior to training as an anti catabolic agent.
thnx for the reply ... would u chose udo over flax seed ?

anyone else use udo ...

pipes, what size serving of udo do you take?
0nyx said:
thnx for the reply ... would u chose udo over flax seed ?

anyone else use udo ...

pipes, what size serving of udo do you take?
I take 2 table spoons/ day=32grams fat. I would choose udos over flax because of the additional ingredients within.
I'm a big Udo's fan too! I prefer it over straight flax, it's a far better blend. I use at least two tablespoons a day.:)
good to see support for it :D

my mom was actually looking to take it .. but i was not sure what it was. curious to see if anyone else used it .. thanks