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Wow, the next UFC card will be upon us in no time.
This time around we'll get to see Randy Couture take on Vitor Belfort. I totally can't wait for that fight.
The date set is January 31st, 2004.

So far here's what the card looks like:

Randy Couture vs Vitor Belfort

Matt Hughes vs BJ Penn

Frank Mir vs Wes Sims

Jorge Rivera vs Lee Murray

Carlos Newton vs Renato Verissimo

Karo Parisvan vs George St.Pierre

Matt Sierra vs Gerald Strebendt

Hermes Franca vs Josh Thomson

Looks like a good one that's for sure.
There's a lot of great matches on this card but I'm most excited to see Randy take on Vitor. I hope Vitor comes in hungry!
I also love seeing Carlos Newton fight so that should be a great match up as well.
I'm also looking forward to the Matt Hughes/BJ Penn fight. I'm a big Matt Hughes fan so I'm going to take him for the win.
This is an action packed card with Frank Mir taking on Sims as well. Another great match to look forward to.
So, once again, the countdown to UFC46 is on!

I am gonna be there, so it is gonna be that much better for me. I am deffinately going for Vitor, he is the man. Mir, Newton, Rivera, StPierre, Serra, and BJ are my other picks. BJ is need to come with it though if he wants to win this fight. Matt is tough but I would like to see BJ win
bigdaddy22 said:
I am gonna be there, so it is gonna be that much better for me. I am deffinately going for Vitor, he is the man. Mir, Newton, Rivera, StPierre, Serra, and BJ are my other picks. BJ is need to come with it though if he wants to win this fight. Matt is tough but I would like to see BJ win

That is awesome that you are going to be there!:)
i cant remember lol

i heard some more info on that though... it's what one of the milletech boys who was there said
Babyfaced Assassin said:
i cant remember lol

i heard some more info on that though... it's what one of the milletech boys who was there said

What did u hear?
Well according to one of the Millitech fighters (I can't remember which one, i'm an MMA Noob!)

Basically after the show they were at a bar at the aftershow party... Murray was with his friend and his girlfriend at the time at the bar. Tito walks up to the bar, kinda pissed with another fighter (again i forget the name but i think he was in the millitech camp too) and orders a drink... he's very tipsy and says something stupid to murray
Murray tells him to F Off
Tito is pissed now and turns to his friend and says did u hear that?
and starts puishing around
Tito accidentally pushes Murray's Girl
Murray Loses his rag and pounces on tito... this was stopped and the situation calmed fdown.... for a minute cos one of tito's friends attacked murrays' friend and there was a pile up... Murray grabbed tito, took him to the floor and started to work Ground and pound on tito... the militech fighter who said all this to my friend said that he now feared for Tito's life and jumped between Murray and Tito so murray couldn't hit tito... the fight was broken up and tito was KTFO'd

that's what i was told.... that was from a friend of Tito so basically it sounds like Tito got his.... I'm glad i don't drink ;)
I was at Extreme Force 1 when Murray fought Pele Landis

After he beat pele his fans went crazy, they're all thugs and did a ring invasion.. fights broke out. Me and my friend left but i heard that the wembley conference center won't let them use the venue next year
Babyfaced Assassin said:
I was at Extreme Force 1 when Murray fought Pele Landis

After he beat pele his fans went crazy, they're all thugs and did a ring invasion.. fights broke out. Me and my friend left but i heard that the wembley conference center won't let them use the venue next year

The whole Lee/Tito deal is also in Ricco's new book. It may a build up to a Tito-Lee match. If Lee wins, I would bet the bank that in a post match interview the Tito incident will be brought up.
The Vitor/Randy match will be awesome. So many questions...will Vitor come in like the Eastman match or the Liddel match? I think this will be a huge factor on who wins. Randy is so consistent. Both are excellent reps for the sport.
I don't think Penn is strong enough for Hughs.
On the Mir/Sims matchup, I'll root for Mir. I don't think that either one is a top tier fighters though. I think Sylvia would crush either of them.
You have to hate it when some dipshits give mma a bad name, one of my bestfriends fights mma he was the KOTC, and GC lightheavy champ. I was at one of his fights 2 years ago and during a fight, this biker guy knees a Russian fighter in the nuts. All the Biker buddies get pissed that the fight was stopped and they start throwing things and rushing the stage, a couple people got stabbed, and police cars were coming from everywhere, rubber bullets, the whole nine yards. Shit like that makes mma look bad, and this is one of the reasons it has such a hard time getting the exposure it needs.
bigdaddy22 said:
You have to hate it when some dipshits give mma a bad name, one of my bestfriends fights mma he was the KOTC, and GC lightheavy champ. I was at one of his fights 2 years ago and during a fight, this biker guy knees a Russian fighter in the nuts. All the Biker buddies get pissed that the fight was stopped and they start throwing things and rushing the stage, a couple people got stabbed, and police cars were coming from everywhere, rubber bullets, the whole nine yards. Shit like that makes mma look bad, and this is one of the reasons it has such a hard time getting the exposure it needs.

Oh that's brutal!
Yeah i can't stand when fights happen outside of the ring or cage
it mars the image of the sport which is already scrutinized in the public eye

at The k1 max this year in the UK a fight broke out right next to me and it was just stupid and unsafe