
Babyfaced Assassin said:
Yeah i can't stand when fights happen outside of the ring or cage
it mars the image of the sport which is already scrutinized in the public eye

at The k1 max this year in the UK a fight broke out right next to me and it was just stupid and unsafe

It really does marr the image of the sport.
Aside from the unfortunate incident with the cut on Randy Coutures eye at the beginning of his and Vitors' fight, I thought UFC 46 was just awesome. It was full of surprises.
I was a little disappointed that we didnt' get to see the full matches between
Karo Parisvan vs George St.Pierre

Matt Sierra vs Gerald Strebendt

Hermes Franca vs Josh Thomson

The short clips that we did get to see looked like they were some great fights. Hopefully Big Daddy can fill us in a little more on those fights.

It was a surprise to see BJ Penn beat Matt Hughes. BJ was in control for the whole fight. I wonder if perhaps Matt underestimated BJ at all. That was a great fight. Even though I was hoping for Matt to win, it was very cool to see a new champion. As Matt said afterwards, the pressure is off him for a little bit.

Another upset of the evening was Carlos Newtons loss to new comer
Renato Verissimo. Wow, it looked like Carlos just didn't have anything in him last night. Renato dominated the fight as well. It was unfortunate to see Carlos just seem to not even be into the fight. He just couldn't seem to do anything. To be honest with you, it looked like he wasn't into being there.

Lee Murray ended up winning his fight agains Jorge Rivera. We also got to see a confrontation between Tito Ortiz that was in the crowd and Lee Murray. hehehe....that was entertaining. Lots of heat between those two as well.

Later on in the evening, we got to see Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz trash talk each other in the ring. This of course gets us excited for their match up at UFC 47. hehehe...any friendship those two once had, is no more.
The Frank Mir vs Wes Sims fight was just awesome. I was so happy to Frank knock Wes out. hehehe....it was very funny at one point when Frank was trying to submit Wes and Wes gave the crowd a thumbsup that he was okay and then he gave Frank the finger....lol
I think that was the best fight of the evening with Frank giving Wes two knees to the head, then a right, and finally knocking him out with a nice left. Very cool fight!

I thought all in all, it was a great ppv and I'm looking forward to seeing Chuck and Tito face off at UFC 47.
Congratulations of course to my Vitor for his win even though he didn't want to win his fight that way.

Anyone else catch it? Thoughts?

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well everyone I am back, and let me just say that it was probably one of the best UFC's I have seen in a long time, with the exception of the last fight.
I walked ina tad late so I only caught the last round of the Serra fight.
Parisiyan vs St. Pierre was a good fight, i expected a lot more throws from Parisayan but St. Pierre basically controlled the whole fight.
The fights continued to get better as they went on, Thompson vs Franca was a good fight, the crowd seemed not to agree with the outcome but I did. thomson won the first 2 rounds and Franca won the last, and that is the way the judges saw it too. thomson was impressive, he needs to work on his ground game but he displayed some impressive muay thai skills. He threw a few spinning back fists, flying punches, as well as knees in the clinch, a very exciting fighter. I am looking forward to seeing him fight again.
The Penn fight was amazing!! I am a Penn fan but honestly did not think he would win this fight, Matt hughes has been so impressive lately.
Besides that Fyre seemed to sum it all up very well.
I will have a ton of pics for you guys, I am getting them developed right now and will post them tomorow. See ya all later.
Muay Thai Guy said:
Did you see Penn after he won?
He went nuts! :)

yah, that was very cool. heheh...he didn't even know what he was saying in the post fight interview. You know, I never understood why they grab them right after the fight. I mean, let the poor guy rest before you stick a mic in his face....lol
An Update on Randy

He's Okay:
Couture Checks in With FCF
By Loretta Hunt

From Las Vegas this afternoon, recently unseated light-heavyweight champion Randy Couture called into FCF to let everyone know that he's okay. In a slightly somber tone, Couture says his injury last night at UFC 46 was caused by a seam on the outside of the commission issued gloves that grazed his left eye. (Couture says he didn't feel any impact from the actual punch). The damage required three stitches to his lower eyelid and five to his upper lid. Couture says there was also some retinal abrasion, as well as some irregularity with his pupil dilation that he was given eye drops for. Patched up and back in his Mandalay Bay hotel room, Couture says he has been resting with his wife and family members.

On the positive side, Couture was told all his optical maladies are expected to heal completely and with his stitches out in a few days, "the Natural" hopes to be back to training in less than two weeks. According to Couture, Zuffa has already started discussing the inevitable rematch with newly crowned champion Vitor Belfort and he let the promotion know that he'll be ready to fight again as early as April (although he realistically anticipates a June date at the earliest.)

FCF wishes Couture, as well as the other injured UFC 46 participants, the speediest of recoveries.