Understanding Injectable Steroid Esters


This may help some of you better understand the concept of the way esters work in injectable steroids.

1. Ester Size: Acetate. No. Carbons: 2, Frequency of Inj.: 2-3 days, Percentage of weight: 13%

2. Ester Size: Propionate. No. Carbons: 3, Frequency of Inj.: 3 days, Percentage of Weight: 17%

3. Ester Size: Enanthate. No. Carbons: 7, Frequency of Inj.: 1 week, Percentage of Weight: 28%

4. Ester Size: Cypionate. No, Carbons: 8, Frequency of Inj.: 1 week, Percentage of Weight: 30%

5. Ester Size: Phenylpropionate. No. Carbons: 9, Frequency of Inj.: 4-5 days, Percentage of Weight: 33%

6. Ester Size: Decanoate. No. Carbons: 10, Frequency of Inj.: 10-12 days, Percentage of Weight: 36%
If I am reading that right, it looks like the number of carbon atoms determines the lenght of the ester.

But that theory falls apart with..... "Phenylpropionate. No. Carbons: 9, Frequency of Inj.: 4-5 days, Percentage of Weight: 33%".....what's up with that ??
StoneColdNTO said:
If I am reading that right, it looks like the number of carbon atoms determines the lenght of the ester.

But that theory falls apart with..... "Phenylpropionate. No. Carbons: 9, Frequency of Inj.: 4-5 days, Percentage of Weight: 33%".....what's up with that ??

Phenylpropionate has an aromatic ring, whereas decanoate is a straight molecule. As the name says, phenylpropionate is basically propionate with an aromatic ring stuck at the end. I am guessing that the ring makes it easier for the esterase enzyme to find its target. Maybe there is more steric hindrance with the decanoate ester.
StoneColdNTO said:
If I am reading that right, it looks like the number of carbon atoms determines the lenght of the ester.

But that theory falls apart with..... "Phenylpropionate. No. Carbons: 9, Frequency of Inj.: 4-5 days, Percentage of Weight: 33%".....what's up with that ??

Prop, chemical structure C3H6O2
PhenylProp, chem structure C9H10O2
(Not trying to show off but in case want to do further research.)

The propionic acid phenyl ester extends the release a few days longer than does just propionic acid (prop) and so could be stretched a little longer for injection frequency but to keep levels nice and even, most people stay at same rate for both.
DRveejay11 said:
Buff: GOOD info bro.

xtinct and tensity: y'all are some chemistry-minded MOFO'S Props:p

LOL, I read it and then I gotta write it down, otherwise I don't remember it :iwstupid: .

The more I study, the more I learn
The more I learn, the more I know
The more I know, the more I forget
Why study?

Laurate is missing. That's the longest acting. Undecanoate as well. That the shortest acting if I'm not mistaken.
SkedMedz said:
Laurate is missing. That's the longest acting. Undecanoate as well. That the shortest acting if I'm not mistaken.

Yup, Laurate is the longest releasing ester found in Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) creation, though longer esters are out there. There may be an argument here about EQ but it depends on if we're talking Boldenone Undecylenate. Laurate, damn near a month half-life and almost only found in Laurabolin. Undeca is actually between 2-3 weeks, as there are several other esters that are release much quicker. fwiw.